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CR-7/8/10 3D Printer 研究社 造訪社團 » 用戶發文

原文網址 Wichet Amjuang
2016-02-06 12:28:35

Saw from news, Taiwan had earth quake and the building was collapsed, Hope everyone here are safe.


2016-02-06 13:02:04

yes, I am fine! thanks!

原文網址 Wichet Amjuang
2015-10-28 12:46:18

Heated Bed Install on CR-7 successful testing. Will find the way to add on the print plate.
Heated be was ordered from Aliexpress http://tinyurl.com/Heated-Bed

They had an aluminium on top will try to add conductive auto-level Sensor but not sure it can do or not. It may have an upload problem due to memory limit on control board.

Still think how to add it on CR-7, any idea is welcome.


Wichet Amjuang
2015-10-28 19:36:51

Wiring Diagram if anyone want to use 5 pin heated bed for our little-7.

原文網址 Wichet Amjuang
2015-09-28 22:26:15

Just saw from the news, Typhoon will reach Taiwan tonight. Wish all of my friends here be safe. Just stay at home and have fun with our CR-7. God bless to all of you.


Wichet Amjuang
2015-09-28 23:22:18

All, be careful when go outside.

原文網址 Wichet Amjuang
2015-09-22 17:53:12

Need some advice, I got problem a few time on today. The hot end not touch the print. Like print on the air (I didn't know the correct word). Any possible cause and how to solve it? Please help to advice.Thanks ^_^


2015-09-22 17:56:35

Have u check the gear of excluder? Does it still move?

Wichet Amjuang
2015-09-22 18:02:39

Shih-Wei Peng The problem parts, I found it happened at the high around 12-15 mm.

Wichet Amjuang
2015-09-22 18:03:50

Some part I can print without any problem. Will print the pillar and see again.

Declan Cheng
2015-09-22 18:13:16

Problem base on
1) The filament is stuck due to diameter
2) Something clog inside the nozzle head
3) Temperature not right , too hot melt and freeze inside the ptfe tube

Wichet Amjuang
2015-09-22 18:15:18

Thanks Declan Cheng , I'll check on the 1st item first.
Anyway, If it clog inside nozzle, how to clean it? any recommend?

Declan Cheng
2015-09-22 18:24:02

you welcome~~
For me will use a metal stick like 1.5mm and go through inside the nozzle head and squeezed all the material out~~~but have to watch out the pressure force preventing hurting the whole nozzle head and part, when u find out is hard to sque ezed out the material, using a tiny sewing needle pierce through the nozzle head with more careful preventing the needle head broke inside the nozzle head~~
This how i clean my nozzle when clog~~~is useful
Hope this help u~~~

Declan Cheng
2015-09-22 18:27:08

but sometimes that happen due to the filament diameter to big , more than 1.9mm will stuck inside the ptfe tube~~~~
so u need to check the diameter of the filament...
base on the picture is more likely the diameter of the filament problem~~~

Declan Cheng
2015-09-22 18:33:09

By the way ,check your retraction distance~~~

ChienMing Liang
2015-09-22 19:36:26

u can use this to clean the nozzle~
Carefully remove the nozzle, and use the hot air gun to clear clog.
ps: remove the nozzle must heating nozzle up to 190 degree,becus that might have some cooling material

Wichet Amjuang
2015-09-22 19:56:58

Many thanks to Declan Cheng , ChienMing Liang
Now I under testing, seem like the filament diameter too big. I jsut cut it out for 4-5 meters and start run again. Let see how is going.

原文網址 Wichet Amjuang
2015-09-21 00:46:27

Dear All experience at here ^_^
Just a basic question and effect to our print quality. Anyone has trick & techniques to adjust the bed leveling?Till now I still can't get the best practices to do that, Please help to share!!!

Today I found one of the problem, the leveling nut turn with the adjustable nut, that why I still can't get a good level. Now try to fix it with super glue, hope it will help.


Wally Kowal
2015-09-21 01:14:27

Wally Kowal
2015-09-21 01:15:35

Good luck

Wichet Amjuang
2015-09-21 12:20:38

Wally Kowal , Bai Johnny hanks for your suggestion. Now I apply the super glue is work fine for me + I add the nut under the stage for more secure.

Wichet Amjuang
2015-09-21 12:21:41

For bed level practice, any suggestion for the best practice? Thanks for all advice ^_^


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