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CR-7/8/10 3D Printer 研究社 造訪社團 » 用戶發文

原文網址 Michael Haller
2016-11-29 15:10:27

I have a challenge for the adventurous modeler: I would like to have (and I'm sure others would too) a 3 in - 1 out block for multi-filaments. A simple "Y" ,but with a third IN between the two other IN's (or however you choose). All of the holes should be threaded (or sized to be threaded) for compression connectors for the tubing for transporting and guiding the filaments. I figure three extruder motor assemblies could supply the filaments and when the color change is required, one can be withdrawn and the next advanced to supply the color change. Thanks in advance. I would do it myself, but I am new to 3D modeling and I thought there are a lot of people who are just trying to think of a project.


2016-11-29 15:41:07

What do you want to do? Multi color or color gradient?

Michael Haller
2016-11-29 15:43:32

multi color

原文網址 Michael Haller
2016-11-16 00:00:06

Does anyone have or know of a file for printing a case for the oscilloscope kit that Gearbest sells? http://www.gearbest.com/kits/pp_367832.html Thanks in advance.


2016-11-16 00:45:22

There are lots designs on this site.

Michael Haller
2016-11-16 01:45:18

Thanks. Networking on facebook is excellent. I really appreciate all the help I've received on everything. Thanks to everyone.

原文網址 Michael Haller
2016-11-11 01:56:05

I realize now only after I already removed them that the photos are not very good, but they show a LOT of stringing. Is there some way that I can eliminate the stringing? I used Slic3r to generate the G-Code. Thanks.


Alan Chen
2016-11-11 02:07:12

decrease the nozzle temperature. 5 degree one stage

Michael Haller
2016-11-11 02:58:56

Ok, I'll try it. Thanks

原文網址 Michael Haller
2016-11-07 06:26:34

My first print of the furnished test object worked fine except for becoming unattacheded before finishing. I tried downloaded objects and G-coded via CUDA with no success. They all (4 different coded objects) failed. I downloaded Slic3r and it appears to be better software, but my settings are obviously wrong. I don't have perfect first
layer and the print is light and sketchy.
What settings do people use for Slic3r for the CR-8?


2016-11-07 09:51:28

First of all, take pictures of the problem. For example capture screen of your cura setting, the model you want to print, the fail cases.

Michael Haller
2016-11-07 12:13:39

I'm going to try lower bed temp, adjust the amount of feed for the Extruder.

原文網址 Michael Haller
2016-11-06 04:37:57

Where can I find G-code files for the CR-8? How can I change G-code files to work with the CR-8?


原文網址 Michael Haller
2016-11-06 04:31:17

How ca CURA be set so all G-code files start by moving Z up, X and Y to the center of the bed, the Z down to start the print?


Ally Yao
2016-11-06 11:08:02

You can click on the right button of your mouse on the Gcode file,and then you will fine the center button^^

Michael Haller
2016-11-06 11:17:53

OK, thanks, I'll look at it. Maybe there will be comments to help locate it, but I can probably figure it out. I just thought there was some way to set up CURA to automatically do it for every print. I can paste the instruction onto every print I suppose. I just imagined it could be automatically done each time.

Ally Yao
2016-11-06 13:03:02

CURA dose not set up automatically, you will see the data of your last print . You can save the data to your computer or. you can enter the data when you print ^^

Michael Haller
2016-11-07 06:39:39

I cut and pasted the command lines that moved the X, Y and Z axis just like I wanted. Unfortunately, I am not satisfied with how CURA is writing the G-code (a lot of crazy and really bad positioning). I tried Slic3r and while it automatically positions the axis' how I wanted, the prints are not laying nor filling properly. I imagine I don't have it set up correctly. What do people use for the CR-8 using PLA and ABS? Thanks in advance.

原文網址 Michael Haller
2016-11-06 04:29:55

What parameters should CURA be set at for the CR-8?


原文網址 Michael Haller
2016-11-06 04:28:40

While my first print worked, I haven't been able to do one I downloaded. I used CURA to write the G-code from the 3D file I got off Thingverse. The test object file brought the Z-axis up and the X&Y axis' moved the head to the center of the bed before the Z-axis came down and the print started. The G-code from the file CURA generated started to print at the edge of the bed. I stopped the print in time, but I would prefer for any future prints to start the same way as the test object printed by going up, to the center, then down and start printing. Does anyone have suggestions how to, possibly configure CURA to start all prints in this way? Also does anyone know all of the parameters I need to set CURA at for the CR-8? Thanks in advance.


Alan Chen
2016-11-06 08:06:52

I think there are CURA instructions in your SD card, when you buy it. You should follow its instructions and try it again.

原文網址 Michael Haller
2016-11-06 04:21:57

I've I ally successfully printed my first object, the test print object that came with the CR-8. Well, it almost printed completely, the object came unattached and fell over so the top of the head is gone, but I'm satisfied. Anybody have a suggestion of what to do so my print doesn't become unattached before its done?


2016-11-07 23:12:48

I am so sorry for you fault print , Can you take a photo?
I thing It helpfully to tell us ,what happen in your CR-8

Chan Shirley
2016-11-09 08:05:58

Have a look, hopeful it can help you. ^^

原文網址 Michael Haller
2016-10-30 06:53:46

I need the E-Mail for Creality. Thanks



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