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Anycubic Photon Printer Owners 造訪社團 » 用戶發文

原文網址 Andy Cohen
2018-03-26 11:21:36

Problems with the Slicer SW...
1. The SW does not use GPUs nor does it seem to utilize Cores properly. Put more then one object in there or an object which uses most of the build area and it chokes. Even for a top of the line i7 with 40gb of ram.
2. You cannot delete a support. It highlights after you select delete, but when you slice the model the support is still there. The only work around is to clear all supports and start again.
3. Repositioning of an object is in relation to the object and it's original orientation and NOT the build area. For example... rotate the object in Z, then rotate it in X or Y and see what it does.
4. You cannot add supports at times when there is a part of the object blocking the path to the bed. Not all the time only when the area is tight. The work around is to add your supports using another SW app then exporting that to stl.
Seems to be the same for the above for both Mac and PC. But the Mac side is less reliable.
My bet is this SW was written by a developer who then sells it to the printer makers in China. Will we see it gets better? Who knows!


原文網址 Andy Cohen
2018-03-24 14:04:42

We cover SLA use in the 3D Printing Today podcast in case anyone here is interested. In particular and of interest to this group was the long running series of segments on my D7 (and it's failure) as well as an in-depth positive review of the Photon. We cover tons of stuff on SLA that apply to all types of machines. Resin/filament reviews, tips, tricks and stuff you probably will not see on FB or YouTube. We also deep dive into FDM as well as other 3DP approaches and we also get into 3D capture as well. It's audio only (great for the commute). It's weekly. It's free and it does not have ads. No fluff and only rare interviews from those worth actually listening to.
or search for 3D Printing Today in the iTunes store.




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