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Anycubic Photon Printer Owners 造訪社團 » 用戶發文

原文網址 Fin McGechie
2019-04-25 21:56:06

has anyone got any advice help on printing heads,or better still visual examples....mainly for the print angles, and supports....Ive had a few attempts and they come out a bit of a mess regarding the support holes leftover....do you need to do heads in separate bits like hair or hats...is there a way without breaking it up....its a 1/6th head ish...any help much appreciated.


Michael Van Kesteren
2019-04-25 22:00:13

Fin McGechie
2019-04-25 22:19:18

Michael Van Kesteren
2019-04-25 22:26:14

Fin McGechie
2019-04-25 22:27:26

Fin McGechie
2019-04-25 22:28:13

Michael Van Kesteren
2019-04-25 22:28:55

Michael Van Kesteren
2019-04-25 22:30:32

Fin McGechie
2019-04-25 22:35:33

Michael Van Kesteren
2019-04-25 22:40:01

Fin McGechie
2019-04-25 22:57:27

Michael Van Kesteren
2019-04-25 22:58:41

Fin McGechie
2019-04-26 00:43:57

Fin McGechie
2019-04-26 01:04:26

原文網址 Fin McGechie
2018-05-28 17:18:37

Now with a base coat to see it properly,had a few issues with the supports touching the model that I didnt notice so had a few breaks or excess resin in areas..also was meant to have a truncheon but didnt create enough room so dont fit...lesson learnt.


原文網址 Fin McGechie
2018-05-25 18:30:27

My latest 2, the head ive done already but i scaled it up a bit to get it closer to a bust size...and the figure is 55mm my largest print yet.will clean up and give them a base coat so i can see the details better. and hopefuly this will help with getting a better idea to creating details in future and what can be achieved.


原文網址 Fin McGechie
2018-05-23 18:03:41

Also just had to chase up Imakr regarding some black resin, annoyingly they didnt chase me up but apparently theres a "global shortage" of black resin or their suppliers are ignoring them...any way had to turn change order to red...so if anyone has a good supplier of affordable grey resin for the UK then let me know...ta


原文網址 Fin McGechie
2018-05-23 17:48:26

was there a doc regarding print setups for specific resins...im away to try a print with Wanhao Grey and want to check if theres a preferred setup,,,had a look in files but could spot it? ta


原文網址 Fin McGechie
2018-05-05 23:40:15

Heres the first two tests now with a base coat thrown over the top so I can see details etc,still getting some print lines .Moreso on the head as that was the first thing i did and I upped the res for the figure...feeling happier now I can see whats what...and getting a better idea of details and definition...will start looking at doing larger figures too...and then cross my fingers.


原文網址 Fin McGechie
2018-05-02 23:06:05

heres a coulpe of my first attempts..hard to see some of the details with the green resin...but happy with the outcome so far...will have to sculpt something with the scale in mind so edges and contours come out better....and not waste time on tiny details...but still learning.feedback on printing welcomed.


原文網址 Fin McGechie
2018-05-01 20:22:58

still new so forgive the dumb questions....but which is the portion in the software to up the detail of the print...ive managed(finally) to get a print done but im looking at getting some more detail in there..whats the highest to go to is it layer thickness?


原文網址 Fin McGechie
2018-05-01 16:44:48

anyone any hints on contacting ANycubic, I got a reply quite quickly last week but since ive recieved the printer they`ve ignored everything...arrrgh


原文網址 Fin McGechie
2018-04-30 03:21:48

Thanks for the add, Anycubic photon just turned uon Saturday (UK) but USB not working so have to wait until Monday and hopefully get sorted...hoping to learn from some of the people on here...fingers crossed...any other UK user on here...as i`m sure i`l need resin at some point...




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