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Anycubic Photon Printer Owners 造訪社團 » 用戶發文

原文網址 Markito Trogolito
2018-12-02 02:37:58

Can somebody share good support settings in Chitubox for big prints?Thanks! Can somebody share good support settings in Chitubox for big prints?Thanks! 翻譯年糕

原文網址 Markito Trogolito
2018-11-09 20:01:22

First time using the new Chitubox auto support, and it failed. Seems like it printed all the supports perfectly but not the spheres on the tips and the rest of the print...


Steven Tapp
2018-11-09 22:01:43

Leonard Seeney
2018-11-09 22:38:00

Mikko T. Pyykönen
2018-11-12 22:22:29

Scott Young
2018-11-12 22:38:29

Markito Trogolito
2018-11-12 22:41:09

原文網址 Markito Trogolito
2018-11-08 19:06:18

So this is the 25 microns test. How should I read it?


原文網址 Markito Trogolito
2018-11-07 01:22:41

Is 10 the sweet spot here? Does that mean 20 secs per layer? That sounds a bit too much, isn't it?


原文網址 Markito Trogolito
2018-11-05 17:53:13

Needs replacement?


原文網址 Markito Trogolito
2018-10-20 16:39:58

Do you guys print below 0.05? Looking at the settings spreadsheet it looks like is not very common at all. Anybody knows settings for Anycubic maroon at 0.02? Do you guys print below 0.05? Looking at the settings spreadsheet it looks like is not very common at all. Anybody knows settings for Anycubic maroon at 0.02? 翻譯年糕

原文網址 Markito Trogolito
2018-10-20 00:06:53

I just opened my printer for maintenance, and when I reconnected the cable for the touch screen, this is what I am getting. Any ideas why this is happening? The ribbon maybe is damaged? What is the name of this ribbon cable, so I can buy a new one? By the way, this will be the last time I am fixing this piece of crap. I am going to buy another printer...


原文網址 Markito Trogolito
2018-10-18 17:12:34

Why am I getting those nasty horizontal lines over the surface? The model is hollow and it has a big vent hole in the base, near the build plate, so I avoid suction problems as much as possible. But I keep getting these lines. They are like steps in the model, you can feel it by touch. I used to have Z wobble, that was fixed by replacing basically every piece in the machine, but now I am getting these lines. Might be dirt in the rod? Thanks a lot!


原文網址 Markito Trogolito
2018-10-14 18:41:19

Have you guys tried the skin color Anycubic resin? Are the settings the same as for white? What about Aqua Blue? Have you guys tried the skin color Anycubic resin? Are the settings the same as for white? What about Aqua Blue? 翻譯年糕

原文網址 Markito Trogolito
2018-10-06 17:13:33

Wasn´t here a document with all the different settings for the different types of resin? I can´t find it. Thanks! Wasn´t here a document with all the different settings for the different types of resin? I can´t find it. Thanks! 翻譯年糕



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