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Anycubic Photon Printer Owners 造訪社團 » 用戶發文

原文網址 Matt Plonski
2018-12-18 00:31:44

Hey, all. I'm looking for suggestions on the print, wash, cure post processing on Anycubic Clear to keep it, well, clear. I normally keep my pieces in my UV setup for a few hours but it seems to turn the clear into more of an amber. It was a beautiful crystal clear when I pulled it off of the build plate. What are you guys doing? Thanks!


Adam Green
2018-12-18 00:38:05

Nick Santana
2018-12-18 00:46:29

Nick Santana
2018-12-18 00:47:24

Nick Williams
2018-12-18 00:48:31

Giovanni Lo Verso
2018-12-18 00:54:12

Giancarlo Arriola
2018-12-18 01:06:35

Nick Williams
2018-12-18 01:09:27

Nick Santana
2018-12-18 03:05:44

原文網址 Matt Plonski
2018-08-15 17:59:09

I've had my Anycubic Photon for a couple of months now. Once I was introduced to The Flint Read Method, I haven't had any problems that weren't user error. (I know that I am lucky.) Of the user error, easily most of them were running out of resin before the print was finished. I feel pretty stupid every time.
I was thinking that there should be a way to tell. The ideal solution would be something like a gas gauge, telling you how much resin is in the vat. Even less complicated than the gas gauge is the oil "dip stick." You simply insert the dip stick into the oil and pull it out; The level of oil on the stick tells you how much oil there is in the pan. I think this method is pretty easy, so I developed a printable gauge that you can dunk into your resin to show you approximately how much liquid you have in the vat.
The bottom of the vat is approximately 90mm by 145mm (right?) so if you estimate that the volume is based off of this rectangle, each mm of depth is about 13.05 mL of resin. Using that ratio, 20 mL is 1.533mm height. I then made some rulers based on this amount. Feel free to correct my math. ?
I've attached a PDF with 30 of these rulers. Just cut them out (making sure to cut the bottom off flush) and dip them into the resin. Pull it out and read the level. You will need to do a volume calculation of your print (this would be a good thing to have in a slicer program), knowing that 1000 mm3 = 1 mL.
Improvements would be to incorporate the true shape of the vat to make it more accurate at the high end. It might be nice to make this into a sticker that could be stuck onto the back side of the interior of the vat. Even better would be for it to be machined into the aluminum itself.
What do you think? Is there an easier way that I am unaware of?


原文網址 Matt Plonski
2018-07-18 00:57:27

I've seen this posted before, so apologizes. I've been using the Anycubic slicer for the past few months. I have an object that I would like to print flat on the build plate. I have printed it before and was able to add a few additional supports to handle some overhangs.

Today, when I enter into the Support menu, the object is automatically offset upwards in anticipation of automatic supports. How do I prevent this/how do I put the object back to the print bed?

Thank you!

Matt Plonski


原文網址 Matt Plonski
2018-07-08 05:13:44

Hey, guys. I have had my Photon for a few weeks. I burned through the sample green 250ml and then two 500ml bottles of Anycubic Grey. When using the green, I had to have the window open with a large fan blowing to keep the fumes down. Even with that, I was on the verge of a headache for most of the time. However, when using the grey I have been able to close the window and keep the fan off. Not even a hint of a headache. Has anyone else noticed that? I haven't seen this posted, so I thought I should bring it up in case it helps someone else as well.

I'm using my printer to make titan weapons for Warhammer 40,000! Let me know if you have any questions about them!


原文網址 Matt Plonski
2018-06-14 04:45:12

Hey, everyone. I took this picture and thought you might find it interesting. On the left is my version of a "Riddler Trophy" from the Batman Arkham City video game printed in the Anycubic sample resin. On the right is the same model from Shapeways in Frosted Extreme Detail (now called "Smoothest"). I wasn't expecting the Anycubic one to be so much smoother. You can hardly see the layers. I'm so glad I bought this thing!


原文網址 Matt Plonski
2018-06-05 01:50:31

OK, this is killing me. I starting setting up my brand-new Anycubic Photon yesterday. I have now zeroed the Z axis and build plate five times, and every time the print failed. I followed the instructions and even went step-by-step with the video on the Anycubic web site. The only thing I have to show for myself is some used gloves and a batch of alcohol wipes.

The only thing that I can guess at is that the build plate is not perfectly centered in the LCD window, although it is aligned and does fit over the whole window. Any other suggestions?

Thank you.

Matt Plonski




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