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Anycubic Photon Printer Owners 造訪社團 » 用戶發文

原文網址 James Dexter
2019-07-06 18:40:39

I have asked before but that was when I wasn't ready to print anything at that point.

I am trying to print injection moulds for a small machine I have. These will be in an aluminium housing.

Has anyone either got info of high temperature resins that can be used for this please?

I am not interested in the Formlabs resin because I am not sure if it will work when decanted to the Photon.

Thanks in advance....

This picture is the plan here - that is done with the Formlabs resin that is really expensive. If it will work on the Photon then it's OK but I'm not sure.

Thanks in advance....


Vinicius Silva
2019-07-06 19:07:40

Richard Burrell
2019-07-06 19:10:58

Vinicius Silva
2019-07-06 19:11:53

James Dexter
2019-07-06 19:17:51

James Dexter
2019-07-06 19:21:42

James Dexter
2019-07-06 19:34:48

Jao Au Pinto
2019-07-06 19:45:12

Richard Burrell
2019-07-06 19:46:02

Marcel Renkewitz
2019-07-06 19:47:34

Vinicius Silva
2019-07-06 19:48:13

Saša Sinek
2019-07-06 19:56:23

James Dexter
2019-07-06 20:21:32

James Dexter
2019-07-06 20:23:55

Robert Fliege
2019-07-06 20:33:54

James Dexter
2019-07-06 20:52:04

Mark Wardle
2019-07-06 21:07:05

Martin Sirakov
2019-07-06 22:49:46

Johnson Yeh
2019-07-06 23:10:28

Johnson Yeh
2019-07-06 23:10:29

James Hastings
2019-07-06 23:12:44

James Dexter
2019-07-06 23:56:13

James Dexter
2019-07-06 23:57:20

Saša Sinek
2019-07-07 00:04:41

James Dexter
2019-07-07 00:13:35

Saša Sinek
2019-07-07 00:25:43

Robert Fliege
2019-07-07 01:13:14

Vinicius Silva
2019-07-07 01:33:52

Vinicius Silva
2019-07-07 01:35:38

James Dexter
2019-07-07 02:11:28

Vinicius Silva
2019-07-07 02:15:43

James Dexter
2019-07-07 02:19:45

Josh Norris
2019-07-07 08:30:33

Siraya Tech
2019-07-08 09:02:22

原文網址 James Dexter
2018-06-24 18:06:30

I'm almost ready to do my first Anycubic print and would like some advice please. This model is large 42mm diameter, smaller 15mm diameter, all 2mm thickness and 32mm total high.

This is the largest part I want to print. Will I need to to do it at an angle despite it having a big hole in to drain the resin?

I understand the need to reduce surface area drag but I'm not sure what governs the need to print on an angle with supports on certain models and not others.

Is there a rule of thumb people use?


原文網址 James Dexter
2018-06-09 00:46:36

My Photon has arrived and before I set it up I'd like to use Configuration-2 code file someone posted here to let me set the thing up. Is the original file available though please in case it all goes badly wrong.




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