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Anycubic Photon Printer Owners 造訪社團 » 用戶發文

原文網址 Richard Mullard
2018-06-30 20:58:57

Hi All, I was hoping this wasn't going to be my first post ? , got a photon off of the well known auction site wednesday, so this morning I was getting all fired up about doing my first resin print. Levelled the printer as per the instructions, sliced the model, put some resin into the vat (bottom of the bevel) selected the model hit start, and the display showed 2% when some of the magic smoke was released and it all turned off.

The psu was very very warm and smelled of electrical components burning, the fuse in the plug hadn't blown that was all ok. Managed to clean everything up, empty the vat. And this is where I'm at, anyone have the same/similar problems, anything that I can do so that it doesn't happen again.

Any advice gratefully received.




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