So I haven't used my photon for a few months. I've been really busy and haven't had a real need to until lately. I saw that there was a new firmware available so updated my firmware to the latest, re-leveled my build plate, downloaded the latest version of chitubox and just did a text print. I still have to figure out how to make this new threaded rod stop squealing at me (probably have to loosen some things) but after throwing a little paint on this I am basically in love with the details, like damn, I've not had a print come out this great before! No post processing on this piece at all other than paint. No sanding, no filing off the support pimples. Mostly because I printed this in transparent yellow so I couldn't even see any of the details or the pimples. Just an ultrasonic bath in IPA, and some paint
Roby Ellis
2019-09-27 20:02:42
Chris Legasse
2019-09-27 20:03:23
Chris Legasse
2019-09-27 20:03:59
Roby Ellis
2019-09-27 20:05:09
Tiernan Messmer
2019-09-27 21:46:13
Justice Fisher
2019-09-27 23:10:05
Chris Legasse
2019-09-28 06:08:44
Chris Legasse
2019-09-28 06:09:55