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Anycubic Photon Printer Owners 造訪社團 » 用戶發文

原文網址 Thomas Ryan
2018-07-24 10:08:23

so i just had to replace my FeP. i would like to buy another just to have one on hand if i have to do it again should i stick with anycubics? or go with a 3d party like Mechanagon?


原文網址 Thomas Ryan
2018-07-19 10:01:10

just emptied my vat and cleaned it now the fep film is all hazy should i be ok?


原文網址 Thomas Ryan
2018-07-14 04:27:45

so i just got my Photon a few days ago and been printing like crazy still not out of what they sent me. I mostly only print minis for DnD. Im looking for a nice resin thats doesnt cost to much. Smell isnt that big of a deal to me as it will be out in the garage and ill be printing out a duct on my fdm printer. I have read the spread sheet but still not fully sure what i sure look for. I was thinking about trying the monoprice stuff. Any help would be great thanks.




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