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Anycubic Photon Printer Owners 造訪社團 » 用戶發文

原文網址 Chris Harper
2019-06-27 21:54:58

Tripped over power cable. Any way to say my 12+ hour print?


Dennis Back
2019-06-27 21:59:22

Bob Deblier
2019-06-27 21:59:51

Mark Wardle
2019-06-27 22:00:29

Chris Harper
2019-06-27 22:04:40

Mark Wardle
2019-06-27 22:08:57

Umashankar Manthravadi
2019-06-27 22:17:21

Mark Wardle
2019-06-27 22:33:11

John Giardino
2019-06-27 23:51:58

Chris Harper
2019-06-28 01:06:00

George Bulte
2019-06-28 06:18:47

Joe Broggio
2019-06-28 14:15:20

原文網址 Chris Harper
2019-04-24 23:56:33

Tax fairy came in so I splurged on an EPAX X1 printer because I have to take my Photon offline to replace the screen and do upgrades.

Then I noticed there is a Photon S that has an already improved z. Any thoughts on the EPAX vs the Photon S? Have heard nothing but great things about the EPAX but it looks like the Z on the Photon S is even beefier (which is why the switch).


Sen Kun
2019-04-25 00:20:50

Chris Harper
2019-04-25 00:22:11

Sen Kun
2019-04-25 00:35:00

Chris Harper
2019-04-25 02:09:33

Chris Harper
2019-04-26 23:41:34

原文網址 Chris Harper
2019-04-07 16:52:24

Has anybody increased the height of their z axis?

I'm about to start the z axis upgrade to reduce wobble. I notice the current lead screw is just free floating with a couple inches of space between it and the rail end. Any reason why this is both free floating and short? Budget?

Also thinking of switching out to a ground ball screw if I can fit one. So thoughts on that too would be great.


Alan Forsyth
2019-04-07 19:29:51

Chad Elstad
2019-04-07 22:42:20

原文網址 Chris Harper
2018-08-22 00:18:29

Second question. What are the most precise castable and regular resins? I make a lot of gears and press fit parts. Can't have a ton of shrinkage or warping.


原文網址 Chris Harper
2018-08-22 00:02:05

What's the cheapest workhorse resin out there that works well with the Anycubic Photon printer?


原文網址 Chris Harper
2018-08-08 23:54:54

Thanks for the add. Just got my photon. Its awesome when your first print doesnt fail, let alone, come out perfect.




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