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Anycubic Photon Printer Owners 造訪社團 » 用戶發文

原文網址 Ivan Adhi R
2020-04-03 09:14:10

Hi guys,
I've been printing with my photon s for half a year already, been spending around 10L of resin and printing hundreds of figures, minis, et al. (so i assume i know all the basics)
The problem is in past week i've been getting failed prints. Mostly because the UV array turned off mid prints. I've been getting only 1cm height of what's supposed to be 5-7cm prints
I changed LCD recently, but been getting several good prints before disaster strikes.
Last time i got this problem, it's due too loose cable.
But this one, cable is fine. Exposure test is okay. It just stopped printing after an hour or two.
Anyone experienced the same or has solution for this?
Is it because of overheating? Or my board is failing?


Jim Appleby
2020-04-03 10:03:38

Is it possible your exhaust fan has failed and unit has overheated?

Ivan Adhi R
2020-04-03 10:07:01

Jim Appleby exhaust fan is running fine as well.
Should i opt for bigger ones?

Jim Appleby
2020-04-03 10:14:47

You mean the one that blows out the bottom or back of the case? Im not referring to the one where the vat is

Nikola Pijanac
2020-04-03 10:28:20

Check for a dry joint, it may not be obvious until the unit heats up. To check would be pretty easy, just do a dry run of a print and get a hair dryer if you have one handy and artificially bring up the heat and watch for errors. If it is a dry joint ( meaning solder isnt done properly) some where on your power circuit. Easy fix just heat up your soldering iron and touch a few of the places where the solder is to fix the dry joint. Which ever way you go it requires some fiddling. The easy way is to try to replace things but you may not fix anything it could be as simple as a dry joint on your wiring going to a plug.

Ivan Adhi R
2020-04-03 10:44:32

Jim Appleby mine is photon S. Exhaust is at the bottom. And that one is working fine. A little noise but i've put some lubricants

Ivan Adhi R
2020-04-03 10:46:36

Nikola Pijanac yeah i was thinking about this too. But afraid if i mess up. Not too handy with soldering iron.
I think replacing cable will be better too

Jim Appleby
2020-04-03 10:48:06

I also have the S, I opted for a larger one. In fact on thingiverse FTK has an excellent solution for venting fumes which includes an stl file to install a larger fan. I did follow his advice on the exhaust and works superbly

Jim Appleby
2020-04-03 10:52:33

the symtoms you are experiencing really has me believing it is overheating; just had a thought....your base is not modified therefore sits way too close to the ground thus the bottom fan has to work hard to exhaust the air. any chance you can elevate the base in such a way that air can flow out more freely?

Jim Appleby
2020-04-03 10:54:26

check this out - FTK - Anycubic Photon S - Modular Ventilation v3
by F-T-K October 09, 2019

Jim Appleby
2020-04-03 10:54:43

on thingiverse

Ivan Adhi R
2020-04-03 11:00:46

I also have an ender 5, thinking about printing elevated platform for my photon s, but now it's either under extruded or clogged.
I have to tinker 2 machine at the same time. What are the odds? ?
Did you get larger fans for you photon?
I was thinking of getting PC's 12cm fan. Is it compatible?

Ivan Adhi R
2020-04-03 11:01:38

Or maybe 20cm fan?

Jim Appleby
2020-04-03 11:06:27

the 120 mm PC fan is what I am using. FTK includes an adapter that can be printed so that you can remove the stock fan and replace it with the PC fan. Also if you do not elevate the four corners of the base the fan will still have more of a job getting the air out. poor design in my opinion.

Nikola Pijanac
2020-04-03 11:18:54

Ivan I understand, try replacing the cables do them one by one do a dry run and see how it goes make sure you have your hair dryer handy to heat it up. Dont replace too many cables at once just incase you fix one problem but introduce another one.

Ivan Adhi R
2020-04-03 13:58:22

Jim Appleby that's what i'm after. Thanks for the suggestion Jim.
But first, have to deal with the UV array. It wont light up even after a night's worth of 'cool down'

Ivan Adhi R
2020-04-03 14:01:11

Nikola Pijanac i'm thinking of particularly 2 cables (white and black) that went from the smaller boards to the UV array
Anycubic's tech support told me to check for voltage last time i had this issue. And it lighted up on multimeter's touch
But it wont light up now

I just wonder, am i the only one getting this issue in the whole group? ?

Nikola Pijanac
2020-04-03 14:09:18

Well if your multi meter isnt showing a reading it could very well be your power supply. Have you checked at the power supply if there is voltage? I know its a stupid thing to mention but the plug where you are powering from is there power there as wel l? Just as a note, I put in a power point close to my work bench so I can charge my tablet. It normally doesn't matter whether I have the black or brown left or right I plug things into the point and they work. Except my Samsung tablet, would not charge there, charges in other power points and not there. After some research some electronics will not work if power points are not properly/correctly wired to standard. Check if you have stable power, at the points, check if there is power from the supply inside the photon and keep checking from power input each cable until you see there is no feed. Keep going up the chain until you hit no power, you should uncover it pretty quickly where the fault is.

Ivan Adhi R
2020-04-03 14:56:36

Nikola Pijanac Everything lights up, the screen, those small leds, adapter light, z rod motor i even plug it to a ups. Everything is normal, everything except the uv array.

Voltage on the small board from what they told me is supposed to be 12v 24v out. Checked.
Now that it wont light up at all, i will check if the black and white cable in case it's not normal

Ivan Adhi R
2020-04-03 14:58:24

You know what's funny? Everytime the UV is dead and i disassemble it from the photon, it light up normally, put it back on, still normal, print again still normal at least for 1st hour. After that, dead

Nikola Pijanac
2020-04-03 16:08:02

That just sounds like a dry joint that is coming apart once it heats up!! Maybe change the black white wire going to it. Can you tell if the UV light soldered joints look solid?

Ivan Adhi R
2020-04-03 16:25:18

It looks solid, i'll send photos tonight.
But the cables are jammed and bent all over. Tight space indeed

原文網址 Ivan Adhi R
2019-12-24 18:49:00

Hi everyone,
I'm using Photon S, and after LCD change, my UV simply wont light up.
Can you guys help me on what to check first?
Anyone experienced the same?


Walter Urbanczyk
2019-12-24 20:51:16

Ivan Adhi R
2019-12-24 21:49:49

Walter Urbanczyk
2019-12-25 06:59:24

Ivan Adhi R
2019-12-25 08:51:53



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