Here is my 4th print with the Photon. As it is currently sitting in the living room, I cannot use it as much as I'd like, until a proper working space with ventilation will be set up for it.
This time, I decided to give Chitubox a go, to see how it would behave.
Model: 3D Town from Ameralabs
Slicer setting: default for the Photon after installation
Resin: Anycubic green from the sample bottle that came with the printer; it has been sitting in the vat (covered with a piece of white paper) for at least 3 weeks, without direct light on it
Room temperature: around 21 degrees C, with a slightly open window 2 meters away from the printer, to make sure that some air circulates
Model was loaded in Chitubox and placed on the buildplate without additional modifications and no supports.
For the scale, a 1 eurocent coin sits with it in a group picture.
After printing, sprayed with 95% isopropylic alcohol, washed in water and 2x60s curing runs in the uv nail curing machine of my wife.
I still have to compare the original 3D model with my print, but I want to have dinner first.
Enjoy and let me know how does it look like - for me, at the moment looks quite good
Alessandro E. Danti
2019-03-08 03:15:25
Alessandro E. Danti
2019-03-08 03:19:12
Dustin Skye
2019-03-08 04:55:01
Alessandro E. Danti
2019-03-08 05:17:11