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Anycubic Photon Printer Owners 造訪社團 » 用戶發文

原文網址 Cymen Vig
2019-02-22 02:52:40

I received a replacement printer from Amazon (first one had a lot of problems with biggest being the LCD cable needed to be reseated regularly and would go on the fritz mid print). I got a much better test print off the new printer. The z-axis sounds "crunchy" and I do see some repeating layer lines on the z (can't get a good photo of them). After reading here, I'll try doing the z-axis adjustment per the Anycubic video. But overall, this is much better. One quick IPA rinse, then blown off with compressed air and 15 minutes in UV.


Cymen Vig
2019-02-22 02:55:38

原文網址 Cymen Vig
2019-02-08 11:54:10

I'm having issues printing the test file on my new Photon from Amazon. I noticed shortly before I stopped it that the cube was moving roughly 4+ mm side to side as it came up from the FEP. What do you think? Poor leveling? I'll go try again. I do have an FDM printer that I'm using to leveling. I used the manual method a couple of times and did verify it seemed correct by doing a test print with a piece of paper on the bed.

On a side note, the printer came with the LCD cable not fully seated. I fixed that and then shimmed the z-axis to be 90 degrees (it was leaning forward slightly). I had one completely failed print before this that I scrapped off the FEP which I'm nearly certain was due to poor bed leveling (I thought at first it was the screen cable and reseated that again but then realized I'd not set z=0 correctly).


Cymen Vig
2019-02-08 13:44:38

Sen Kun
2019-02-08 15:06:12

Cymen Vig
2019-02-08 15:58:32

Cymen Vig
2019-02-08 15:58:52

Cymen Vig
2019-02-08 15:59:02

Cymen Vig
2019-02-08 15:59:13

Sen Kun
2019-02-09 00:29:24

Cymen Vig
2019-02-18 09:39:22



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