TL:DR Edition - Trying to come up with a less expensive version of the Form Cure.
Home stretch update: Interior panels are glued, and the exterior panels are temporarily in place while I glue the nuts into the T slots. Still need to model the front panel/door and paint everything before I can move onto final assembly and the electronics.
I wanted something that had approximately the same footprint as the Photon, could handle the largest print it could produce, and could be cut entirely on a K40 laser.
I think if I were to make a v2 I would use black acrylic for the main structure and mirrored acrylic for the interior panels, but I already had an excess of 3mm plywood and went through a couple of pieces in the development.
I have some "lessons learned" adjustments to make and then am planning on making all of the files and a supply list available for anyone who wants it. The parts are currently setup to be run on a K40 laser, however, if there is a general consensus about a reasonably priced third-party supplier of custom cut materials (I only know of Ponoko) I would be more than happy to come up with a version optimized for that.
Erik Kaski
2019-03-27 05:36:33
Patrick Nixon
2019-03-27 09:17:41
Erik Kaski
2019-03-27 10:28:05
Erik Kaski
2019-03-29 03:33:43
Erik Kaski
2019-03-30 06:29:42