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Anycubic Photon Printer Owners 造訪社團 » 用戶發文

原文網址 Jay Thomas
2020-01-15 09:17:56

Here’s the issue with the Photon this go around. I was wondering why peony’s have been failing lately. I would get uncured sludge in the vat when a print is done as well as layers stuck to the FEP. Does anyone know what the name of this issue is? Please excuse the loud fan, I have a heater in my print room next to the Photon. **Please watch the videos until each ends**


Chris Casarez
2020-01-15 09:28:50

Jay Thomas
2020-01-15 09:29:19

Chris Casarez
2020-01-15 09:32:12

Jay Thomas
2020-01-15 09:32:44

Chris Casarez
2020-01-15 09:33:30

Jay Thomas
2020-01-15 09:35:28

Jeff Greenfield
2020-01-15 11:08:07

原文網址 Jay Thomas
2019-10-18 01:12:26

Pics 1-3 are what I set my parameters at. And I'm getting cut off on the bottom layers which compromise the print on one side completely. Pics 4-5 are when I move the object over 10 on the Y axis and slice, then it's fine. Chitubox program problems..?


原文網址 Jay Thomas
2019-07-11 12:54:17

Don't know if it's been posted in the past.. My printer cooling fan turns off during mid print.. ? And stays off.. ? Are there any solutions posted anywhere in the group..?


Eric Jorgensen
2019-07-11 13:52:25

Jay Thomas
2019-07-11 22:51:25

原文網址 Jay Thomas
2019-03-15 09:34:28

Might be support overkill, but perfect flat back. And also perfectly round.. ?? ? Thank all you Photonsters for your help and knowledge.


Chris Casarez
2019-03-15 10:05:27

Jay Thomas
2019-03-15 11:43:45

Jay Thomas
2019-03-15 11:44:24

Jay Thomas
2019-03-15 11:45:35

Chris Casarez
2019-03-15 11:52:12

Chris Casarez
2019-03-15 11:52:38

Jay Thomas
2019-03-15 12:07:52

Jay Thomas
2019-03-15 12:11:24

2019-03-15 12:39:27

Jay Thomas
2019-03-15 12:42:51

2019-03-15 12:55:34

Sébastien Guilbaud
2019-03-15 19:30:19

原文網址 Jay Thomas
2019-03-15 03:00:45

Why the red highlighted areas..? At 45° with heavy supports about to be placed.. ??‍♂️


Ty Mansfield
2019-03-15 03:04:58

Jay Thomas
2019-03-15 03:05:12

Jay Thomas
2019-03-15 03:06:32

Benjamin Oppenheimer
2019-03-15 03:17:21

Jay Thomas
2019-03-15 03:18:23

Benjamin Oppenheimer
2019-03-15 03:24:08

Jay Thomas
2019-03-15 03:24:26

Chris Casarez
2019-03-15 03:29:14

Jay Thomas
2019-03-15 03:29:52

Muhammad Zulkhairol Yacob
2019-03-15 04:13:12

Jay Thomas
2019-03-15 04:35:58

Jay Thomas
2019-03-15 04:43:05

Chris Casarez
2019-03-15 07:17:29

Jay Thomas
2019-03-15 07:19:24

Chris Casarez
2019-03-15 07:52:39

Jay Thomas
2019-03-15 08:54:34

原文網址 Jay Thomas
2019-03-13 14:42:20

I'm printing @.05, 8 layers, 11 exp, 60sec bottom. Also angled at 40° with heavy supports. One side is flat as needed. The bottom side facing the plate is not flat.. I'm lost.. ? ??‍♂️


Christian Plösser
2019-03-13 18:16:48

Daniel Kollar
2019-03-13 20:24:20

Darron Rodrigues
2019-03-13 20:59:38

Daniel Kollar
2019-03-14 06:51:18

原文網址 Jay Thomas
2019-03-04 10:33:52

Chitubox newb here.. I have the values set for the build plate. And half of the values for printing. Can anyone point me in the right direction for the rest of the values after "light off delay"..


Benjamin Oppenheimer
2019-03-04 10:36:43

Benjamin Oppenheimer
2019-03-04 10:37:55

Jay Thomas
2019-03-04 10:38:22

Milton Maxson
2019-03-04 10:39:39

Jay Thomas
2019-03-04 10:40:38

Milton Maxson
2019-03-04 10:41:22

Jay Thomas
2019-03-04 10:42:28

Milton Maxson
2019-03-04 10:44:56

Jay Thomas
2019-03-04 10:45:21

Milton Maxson
2019-03-04 10:47:34

Jay Thomas
2019-03-04 10:47:40

Jay Thomas
2019-03-04 10:48:01

Milton Maxson
2019-03-04 10:49:40

Jay Thomas
2019-03-04 10:52:24

Benjamin Oppenheimer
2019-03-04 10:53:03

Jay Thomas
2019-03-04 10:53:56

Benjamin Oppenheimer
2019-03-04 10:54:21

Milton Maxson
2019-03-04 10:55:10

Jay Thomas
2019-03-04 10:56:52

Milton Maxson
2019-03-04 10:57:21

Jay Thomas
2019-03-04 10:58:34

Milton Maxson
2019-03-04 10:59:37

Jay Thomas
2019-03-04 11:00:04

Benjamin Oppenheimer
2019-03-04 11:10:34

Jay Thomas
2019-03-04 11:14:23

Daniel Yuen Ato
2019-03-04 13:02:44

Mario Reinh
2019-03-04 14:55:11

Benjamin Oppenheimer
2019-03-04 15:47:47

2019-03-04 21:57:16

Milton Maxson
2019-03-04 22:12:27



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