Need some help here folks. These are tires I am trying to print for casting in rubber resin. I am trying to narrow down why the printer is filling in the center of the tires. They look fine in autocad 123d, mesh mixer, and in chitubox, but when I printed them, the center where the wheels go is printing solid. I am also having this issue with a set of wheels, but the wheels will have one or 2 thin layer print across the entire center opening. I am able to get out the thin layers with an exacto on those however.
Is this issue from mesh mixer, chitubox, or my printers firmware? And these are first prints so I will need to play with exposure settings and the parts are fully cured. Thank you in advance for the help folks
Sander van Deijl
2020-03-11 19:30:56
Christian Savarda
2020-03-11 19:31:09
Rusty Mcbride
2020-03-11 19:35:35
Björn Plutka
2020-03-11 20:23:54
Tom Sargison
2020-03-13 17:59:45