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Anycubic Photon Printer Owners 造訪社團 » 用戶發文

原文網址 Mic Mic
2020-01-05 18:11:46

Anyone interested in a resin sample swap in the U.K.? I’d love to have a go with Siraya Blu and see if a small part comes out any better then Elegoo Grey. Saves spending £70 on resin which might not be used.

I have Elegoo Grey and happy to trade a small amount if anyone has Siraya Blu?


原文網址 Mic Mic
2020-01-05 04:27:37

Can anyone help with Chitubox and timings?
I have an original Photon on .18 firmware. If I use the photon slicer everything works fine, what I’m trying to print is just over 3 hours long. If I use Chitubox it comes out at about 24 minutes. My googling says that it’s because the Light Off and Bottom Light Off are set to 0 so it screws up the print time, however that makes no difference because the photon still defaults to 6.5 seconds. Well that’s wrong because when I try and print it, the printer finishes 24 minutes later with the start of the supports printed and nothing else.

Someone else mentioned just putting a 1 in those boxes but I have a feeling the same issue will occur. Any ideas before I just try printing with 6.5 in those boxes?



Robert Barnett
2020-01-05 05:25:46

Mic Mic
2020-01-05 06:09:43

Penn Davies
2020-01-05 07:03:08

Mic Mic
2020-01-05 14:58:57

原文網址 Mic Mic
2020-01-01 17:54:10

What resin would people recommend for accuracy of prints? I’ve heard Siraya Blu but it’s very expensive to import into the UK. I did try Elegoo Grey but found it worse than the anycubic green the printer came with.


David Collinson
2020-01-01 17:57:06

Mic Mic
2020-01-02 03:38:15

Sally Blu
2020-01-03 10:25:51

原文網址 Mic Mic
2019-08-28 14:34:14

What’s the shrinkage like on Elegoo Grey? I’m printing small model parts which need to be near perfect size wise. Printed with AnyCubic green but noticed the Z was off few a good few mm.
I’ve heard Siraya Blu is probably the best but so expensive to get in the UK


Bob Deblier
2019-08-28 15:07:31

Jan Mrázek
2019-08-28 16:08:32

Mic Mic
2019-08-28 18:50:01

Jan Mrázek
2019-08-28 18:55:39

原文網址 Mic Mic
2019-08-27 03:11:21

Updating firmware - I tried to update mine today to .18 which had been put on photosters. So you out the two update files on the root of the USB and then power it on, the Photon will make a few beeps which means it updated. Then you’re supposed to print the other file - how come my printer doesn’t see the file? I’ve checked .18 and .19 and they contain the same type of files? My printer does say it’s now on .18 but concerned I need to print another file?


Jarrod Smith
2019-08-27 03:21:10

Mic Mic
2019-08-27 04:13:24

Jarrod Smith
2019-08-27 04:23:04

Mic Mic
2019-08-27 04:23:49

Jarrod Smith
2019-08-27 04:24:33

Mic Mic
2019-08-27 04:27:00

Jarrod Smith
2019-08-27 04:29:55

原文網址 Mic Mic
2019-07-10 15:31:06

Has anyone used Kapton tape to seal the gap around the LCD in case of a resin leak? If so, what size, type, did you use?


原文網址 Mic Mic
2019-07-06 23:51:48

When printing big figures are you guys using Medium supports or light? I’ve printed two with medium and as soon as they’re done I take the supports off, it leaves marks behind which I’ll need to sand off, I’ve no problem doing this I’m just curious if everyone else has to?


Joel Reid
2019-07-06 23:57:04

James Cachia-Garrett
2019-07-07 07:15:40

John Lowry
2019-07-07 12:08:49

Mic Mic
2019-07-07 12:13:17

Tim Moulton
2019-07-07 12:22:43

James Cachia-Garrett
2019-07-07 12:45:59

Mic Mic
2019-07-07 13:11:26

James Cachia-Garrett
2019-07-07 13:14:41

Mic Mic
2019-07-07 13:15:49

原文網址 Mic Mic
2019-07-02 20:03:02

Has anyone bought replacement FEP film in a roll in the U.K.? Seen a post about buying it from McCaster Carr but that’s in the US. Don’t see the point in buying pre cut single sheets when you can get it on a roll.


Scott Gardner
2019-07-02 20:10:03

Scott Gardner
2019-07-02 20:19:08

Mic Mic
2019-07-02 20:20:13



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