Hi, my printer arrived this week, had a few teething problems, z-axis not moving/no fan on power on, fixed with the github links, and various failed prints.
I started this one last night, 11 hour estimate in software but when I came down this morning the print had detached from the bed and lay in the reservoir.
How can I avoid this problem?
I used 12 bottom layers with 50 second exposure time.
Can I tune the base/supports layer to help it stick to the plate better?
Thanks in advance.
Kevin Patrick Sullivan
2019-07-05 03:24:40
Michael Cassidy
2019-07-05 03:26:34
Hamza Doğan
2019-07-05 03:30:54
Hamza Doğan
2019-07-05 03:31:22
George Pugliese
2019-07-05 03:35:55
Richard Shapiro
2019-07-05 04:51:37
Scott Pavlich
2019-07-05 07:34:18