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Anycubic Photon Printer Owners 造訪社團 » 用戶發文

原文網址 Steve Nottingham
2019-09-25 08:33:48

Couple weeks ago I asked if anybody knew how resilient resin was to acetone. I intended to use a resin print as a stand in an acetone vapor bath to vapor smooth ABS fdm prints. No one seemed to know but everyone seemed positive on this use case. I'm here to report back. It worked very well for 30 minute exposures. I used it to vapor smooth approximately 10 items so it was exposed to acetone vapor for approximately five hours with no signs of deterioration.

The last time I used it I put the airtight container away with the stand in it and it still had a little bit of acetone in the bottom. After a week of constant exposure (unintentional exposure) the print seems to have fallen apart. I can conclude short exposures to acetone shouldn't have too many negative effects but a prolonged exposure to acetone will cause the resin to deteriorate over time.

Elegoo grey printed on anycubic photon.


Manuel David Martín Marín
2019-09-25 08:49:25

Steve Nottingham
2019-09-25 08:52:15

Manuel David Martín Marín
2019-09-25 08:59:44

Ryan Lange
2019-09-25 12:39:05

Jez Clark
2019-09-29 01:28:09

Jez Clark
2019-09-29 01:28:48

原文網址 Steve Nottingham
2019-09-05 05:27:39

Today I learned a lesson. It is a 15 hour lesson. When adding supports tie them together! Mine got all wobbly and didn't do their job well. Print is salvageable but I will reprint anyway.


Steve Nottingham
2019-09-05 05:29:01

原文網址 Steve Nottingham
2019-08-26 06:11:41

Question: does acetone have an effect on cured resin?


Michael Finbarr-Smith
2019-08-26 06:19:00

Jordan Baldrige
2019-08-26 06:20:57

Ric Watts
2019-08-26 06:46:24

Jesse Pruitt
2019-08-26 07:51:06

Ric Watts
2019-08-26 07:52:24

Bob Deblier
2019-08-26 16:34:13

Steve Nottingham
2019-08-27 14:52:41

原文網址 Steve Nottingham
2019-08-26 01:55:19

Yay Resin! I love my new prusa parts printed in elegoo grey resin... I mean yeah its ugly (maybe I can find a nice pumpkin color. Its not a prusa if its not orange). but the petg hotend parts melted in the build chamber on the first print. I reprinted with resin and no issues what so ever.


Jon Mitchell
2019-08-26 04:57:33

Steve Nottingham
2019-08-26 05:14:23

原文網址 Steve Nottingham
2019-08-11 07:13:52

I accidentally returned the elegoo grey into the elegoo translucent bottle.... Oops. Guess I have grey tinged clear now.


Andy Eakin
2019-08-11 07:19:44

Sean Croteau
2019-08-11 11:03:03

Steve Nottingham
2019-08-11 14:18:42

原文網址 Steve Nottingham
2019-07-08 02:12:16

I don't see p4 in the error code list. When I say ok and hit play it goes fine. Just curious what it means.


Nemo Vilpponen
2019-07-08 02:42:30

Jarrod Smith
2019-07-08 23:46:25

Steve Nottingham
2019-07-09 00:31:03

Jarrod Smith
2019-07-09 00:53:13

Steve Nottingham
2019-07-10 11:56:19

原文網址 Steve Nottingham
2019-06-27 17:00:29

Hello group. I am going to go look at a used photon this week. I have ffm printers and laser engravers so I know how these machines work but what should I check on a used photon?


Adam Widdowson
2019-06-27 17:03:42

Steve Nottingham
2019-06-27 17:04:48

Adam Widdowson
2019-06-27 17:24:17

Adam Widdowson
2019-06-27 17:26:26

Steve Nottingham
2019-06-30 07:10:55

Steve Nottingham
2019-07-02 13:04:42

Adam Widdowson
2019-07-02 15:03:04



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