I have some problem here. I’m a new user for Photon S.
I found no issues printing the torture lattice from Anycubic multiple times - one from stock .photon, two from sliced .psw after the firmware upgrade.
I also had no issues printing makers coin in a small scale.
Now my problem is the benchy boat benchmark. No matter how I slice the STL file, I had no success.
The first time I was ambitious so I put all three on the bed but all were failed when I checked them the following morning.
Then I use the program and gave it a 45 degree angle - this time it failed again.
The residue was stuck on the vast every single time.
I’m wondering what should I do with this? Does benchy boat need supports or beams for a successful print.
Gethin Morris
2019-10-17 22:50:52
Gethin Morris
2019-10-17 22:51:07
Savio Ku
2019-10-18 06:25:53
Lewis Vuitton Bradley
2019-10-18 08:09:47