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Anycubic Photon Printer Owners 造訪社團 » 用戶發文

原文網址 Emil Dziewanowski
2019-10-25 05:40:26

Hello! I just bought new Photon from Aliexpress Anycubic store. Printed the test cube from kit usb stick, some of my models sliced with chitubox and stored on other, reliable usb stick and i keep having the same issue. Whole bottom of the vat slowly gets cured. As the models emerge from the vat they tear of parts of that cured layer and come out bumpy. I've tried software update - community 4.2.18 and official 4.2.19 - same thing happens. The resin is anycubic green from the kit bottle well stirred. My guesses are either light bleed or low temp in my workshop - around 17 deg. Please take a look at the photos an tell me if this is how the screen should look like.


John Chrapkowski
2019-10-25 05:43:43

John Chrapkowski
2019-10-25 05:44:16

Emil Dziewanowski
2019-10-25 05:47:38

John Chrapkowski
2019-10-25 06:10:33

Emil Dziewanowski
2019-10-25 06:13:49

John Chrapkowski
2019-10-25 06:33:04

Emil Dziewanowski
2019-10-25 06:35:49

John Chrapkowski
2019-10-25 06:36:13

Emil Dziewanowski
2019-10-25 06:40:00

Emil Dziewanowski
2019-10-25 06:48:59

John Chrapkowski
2019-10-25 06:49:58

Charles Rieken
2019-10-25 06:53:12

Emil Dziewanowski
2019-10-25 06:59:18



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