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Anycubic Photon Printer Owners 造訪社團 » 用戶發文

原文網址 Davide Barletta
2019-12-21 01:55:36

I regularly happen, that on the bottom side of my prints I lose details (yes, there are a lot of supports, and they could have been the first problem, but I'm newbie and I just used the chitubox auto supports). Anyway also the other parts of the model (not in photo) looks something like "fluid", like all the details are smoots, or like the model have been melted.
I followed exposition time found online (resin is Wanhao clear) so 15 sec, but what should I do for have less "melt" look a like prints?
And pls, can you give me some advice on how to put support on a file like this wings?
The file I found on thingiverse, so if you need it i can share the link! Thanks (sorry for my bad english)


Billy Thiex
2019-12-21 02:18:00

Davide Barletta
2019-12-21 03:20:27



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