I bought an any cubic Photon early 2018, but only just unboxed it now. Assembly went well, but the LCD test doesn't display the rectangle, I've reseated the LCD screen cable, and upgraded the firmware, but it still doesn't display the rectangle, and if I try to print I get a T_800 L20 error. Any ideas what I am doing wrong?
Veda Toys
2020-01-02 07:25:56
Peter Anderson
2020-01-02 07:32:08
Veda Toys
2020-01-02 07:34:36
Peter Anderson
2020-01-02 07:42:43
Veda Toys
2020-01-02 07:43:37
Peter Anderson
2020-01-02 07:44:25
Veda Toys
2020-01-02 07:46:29
Peter Anderson
2020-01-02 07:47:52
Veda Toys
2020-01-02 09:04:02
Paul Soucy
2020-01-02 09:14:34
Peter Anderson
2020-01-02 10:24:30