I’ve just had my Photon about a week now and having some troubles. Some of the troubles include the print head suddenly not moving at all and not responding to any of the Z movement buttons. A power cycle gets it working again. On one print the head went down into the vat then never came back up again. I was also getting cured resin on different parts of the fep. At first we thought (my friend who is also in this group has been helping me extensively) maybe it was a bad batch of resin. I tried the other bottle (I had ordered 2) and got a very nice print and no globs on the fep. I then tried the deathtrooper model and got a strange result. Half printed and a flat blob on the fep. Check put the pics. Any help very much appreciated.
I am using Siraya Tech Fast Resin. The deathtrooper print was at 10 sec exposure time.
Has anyone had success working with that specific resin or had issues with the print head not moving or responding to button presses?
Brendan Wood
2020-01-27 06:52:33
Joe Mandia
2020-01-27 07:27:25
Brendan Wood
2020-01-27 07:30:06
Joe Mandia
2020-01-27 07:31:14
Brendan Wood
2020-01-27 07:32:03
Joe Mandia
2020-01-27 07:36:17
Brendan Wood
2020-01-27 08:51:58
Joe Mandia
2020-01-27 09:03:53