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Anycubic Photon Printer Owners 造訪社團 » 用戶發文

原文網址 Andrew Geocaris
2020-02-05 11:24:49

Any tips on learning how many supports to add? I'm using Chitubox and I feel like the auto support adds way more than I need.


Barthels Marvels
2020-02-05 11:30:50

Scott Ball
2020-02-06 04:48:53

Len Smith
2020-02-06 05:12:48

Kris Leon
2020-02-06 05:17:31

Andrew Geocaris
2020-02-06 11:00:48

Chris Holden
2020-02-06 22:16:07

原文網址 Andrew Geocaris
2020-01-26 21:27:08

Okay, so Ive had a first successful test print. I want to try printing something else. I know about thingiverse,.but are there othere or perhaps better places to find files for 3d printing? Not quite ready to design my own yet. Thanks!


Justin Bullock
2020-01-26 21:28:48

Matt Farmer
2020-01-26 21:28:51

Chris Hurlbert
2020-01-26 21:29:38

Sean Isle
2020-01-26 21:35:47

Mikel Deiman
2020-01-26 23:06:46

Andrew Geocaris
2020-01-26 23:18:34

Herllon Alves
2020-01-26 23:56:02

Jason D Rush
2020-01-27 00:51:51

Zeb Christmas
2020-01-27 08:27:23



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