I've had my photon s for a little over a week now, and what a ride it's been. I've had quite a bit of succesfull prints, a couple of failures and a lot of lessons learned. While cleaning a failed print off the fep I apparently punctured a hole in it without noticing. When cleaning the vat after a second failure, I noticed resin on the lcd screen. After the initial panic wore off I cleaned with IPA and a razor, replaced the fep and all is peachy again.
Joseph Bochinski
2020-02-24 23:57:54
Joseph Bochinski
2020-02-24 23:58:21
Robert Barnett
2020-02-24 23:59:24
Danny Stoll
2020-02-25 00:02:43
Christian Savarda
2020-02-25 00:05:03
Danny Stoll
2020-02-25 00:05:36
Danny Stoll
2020-02-25 00:06:01
Robert Barnett
2020-02-25 00:07:47
Christian Savarda
2020-02-25 00:13:28
Guido Fawkes
2020-02-25 00:26:57
Ryley Dempsey-Spearing
2020-02-25 13:33:06
Mason McKane
2020-02-25 15:48:14
Danny Stoll
2020-02-25 16:07:52
Wes Mischke
2020-02-26 02:36:04
Danny Stoll
2020-02-26 02:54:05
Petr Grössl
2020-02-26 13:47:46