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Anycubic Photon Printer Owners 造訪社團 » 用戶發文

原文網址 Derek Mears
2020-04-02 03:19:08

Anyone know why this is happening trying to print the photon cube, this is my second time trying to print, first print never stuck to the plate those settings I think my exposure times were way to low. Also looks like part of it broke off in the vat. Thanks


Derek Mears
2020-04-02 03:19:49

Also had AA on 4

Derek Mears
2020-04-02 03:20:51

Resin is i-found green

Wah Wong
2020-04-02 03:27:57

Derek Mears
2020-04-02 04:58:18

Wah Wong I had it on 8sec before but the base failed so I will try it again since the base was a success this time

原文網址 Derek Mears
2020-03-26 06:42:17

This is the only resin I could get delivered before April 23rd. Has anyone used this on the regular Photon and have the best settings for d&d figurines?


Johnny Johnsen
2020-03-26 06:44:42

price ? looks like rebranded anycubic resin

Derek Mears
2020-03-26 06:47:10

Johnny Johnsen it was $19.99

Johnny Johnsen
2020-03-26 06:51:39

AC price :) id say it looks like AC resin..

Johnny Johnsen
2020-03-26 06:51:51

probably prints like it too

Johnny Johnsen
2020-03-26 06:52:34

isnt the picture identical to AC, except the name?

Derek Mears
2020-03-26 06:54:10

Derek Mears
2020-03-26 06:54:13

Benny Lu
2020-03-26 07:05:10

3dprinteruniverse.com ships all resins same business day. Sale going on right now 30% off resins with code RESIN30.

Michael Gorman
2020-03-26 09:11:43

Derek Mears that Darth maul just looks like piccolo to me haha

Johnny Johnsen
2020-03-26 09:17:32

Piccomaul ?

Johnny Johnsen
2020-03-26 09:17:58

That would make a great comic!

Johnny Johnsen
2020-03-26 09:18:46

Ohhhh that inner pain he would have to go through.... ? from a sith lord to a piccolo.. whu! ? lifes tough... ?

Evan Boone
2020-03-26 10:44:07

dont print anything with thin parts if you want it to last through regular handling. green is SO brittle you break a sword or antler by looking at it wrong.

Dan Gump
2020-03-26 11:20:08

Benny Lu wow the resin at this place is super expensive. 3x500ml for $130...

Kevin Boogaard
2020-03-26 19:34:37

Hahaha, with those prices even the discount doesn’t matter anymore. Jezus Christ that’s a rip off.

原文網址 Derek Mears
2020-03-25 23:44:15

Total newb here, just got my Photon for my birthday. What resin is the best for minis that will be painted for d&d I need to buy some and test this sucker out! Also what programs do I need to download. Thanks!


Richard Webb
2020-03-25 23:46:59

i find the anycubic green is a brilliant all purpose resin and works really well.
downloads? the latest firmware for your machine ( remember there are three different photons now) and also photon studio workshop from their website, chitubox if you want something a little better

the other thing you'll need is 99% IPA, Nitrile gloves, and lots of patience!

Derek Fontes
2020-03-26 08:09:03

I've had some great results from elegoo abs-like.

Bob Deblier
2020-03-26 16:39:33

Very smelly and very brittle - basically very ill suited for minis.

Tyler Cox
2020-03-26 16:56:49

I like elegoo gray. Chitubox and photon workshop

Tauri Icenogle
2020-03-26 17:13:09

I was using elegoo grey but the details were getting washed out the last few bottles so I switched to anycubic grey and like it a lot more. I also mix in some siriya tenacious to make the minis less brittle. About 80/20 anycubic to siriya ratio. I also like the prusa slicer for adding supports.

Joshua DeBoe
2020-03-26 19:08:54

In my (limited) experience it does not take primer well.

Richard Webb
2020-03-26 19:11:37

Never had any of those problems!

原文網址 Derek Mears
2020-03-15 04:43:42

Flash sale


Tucker Harris
2020-03-15 07:35:09

Jeremy R Kufer
2020-03-15 13:12:12



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