So, I just did my first print this morning and everything seemed to go very well, I printed the R_E_R_F.pws file and got 4 very nice results.
However, I cannot get my printer to see the Photon.stl file on the usb drive, I've even tried putting it on a separate drive and printing off of that.
Do I need to convert the .stl files to .pws files in order to print them? Is this a function of the slicing program that came with the printer?
Help me Anycubic Photon Owners, you're my only hope!!
Philip J Newman
2020-03-28 22:23:29
New anycubic only see PWS files, you have to use thier slicer to make those, Chitubox only makes .photon
Or as long as it’s not a photon zero you can download the new firmware and it’ll read .photon again
Matt Larlham
2020-03-28 22:32:26
My printer has version 3.4.1
Matt Larlham
2020-03-28 22:33:24
The Anycubic website has 4.2.19 or 5.0.2 for Upgraded Only. How do I determine which of these I should use?
Gary Slovinsky
2020-03-29 00:55:56
Check your main screen if it starts with a 4 then you need the 4.2.18, from github (someone can provide the link) if it don’t start with a 4 then you need the one starting with 5.
Matt Larlham
2020-03-29 01:01:53
My version is 4.2.19, so I need the 5.0.2? My machine is upgraded then?
Matt Larlham
2020-03-29 01:02:49
Sorry, I have the 3.4.1, not the 4.2.19
Gary Slovinsky
2020-03-29 01:09:53
Matt Larlham
ok, then the 4.2,x don’t apply, I’d say you need the 5.0.2 firmware.
Matt Larlham
2020-03-29 01:10:16