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Anycubic Photon Printer Owners 造訪社團 » 用戶發文

原文網址 Kelly Brownlie
2020-03-30 05:55:25

Hey team, about to start on my first Big print, mz4250’s red dragon. Question’s when will/ should I refill the Vat or will a full vat do this? Also what res should I do it in? Is .05 okay? Thanks in advance ?


Matt Leyerly
2020-03-30 06:01:59

The software should give you a material use estimate. Add ~10% and if it's less than the vat holds, just do the math on how empty you want to risk it being.

Ray Sears
2020-03-30 06:04:20

Once the plate stops going into the resin you can add more resin and nor worry as much about overflowing. .5 will give you good detail.

Alek Idol
2020-03-30 06:04:37

A full vat will do this no problem since its hollowed. Home the printer, fill it up til it almost overflows the ball joint, and you won't run out.

.05 is plenty good. For layer height. The X/Y resolution is .047, so going lower than .047 doesn't do much. I personally print at .04 but .05 is fine also

Palcu Alex
2020-03-30 06:06:03

If you fill the vat, when the build plate will get in the vat there's a chance that the resin will get on the screws. Or worse, will spill in the printer. Take care of that aspect. When you slice in chitubox, it will tel you the amunt of resin you nee d, if that helps you. And you could refil whenever you think it will run out of resin.
0.5 from my point of view it's ok for that size of print.

I don't have that much experience but that's what I know for now. Hope it's useful.

Scott Pavlich
2020-03-30 06:29:12

You should be fine. Also .05 is good...I’ve stuck with .04 because it is about the best all around layer. I’ll let you in on a secret: the photon really doesn’t improve below that: after literally doing dozens of comparison tests, if you have your expo sure correct, there really isn’t an improvement below .04...plus if you double the layers you’ll end up with more light bleed=more overexposure=worse quality instead of better. Until better technology comes out, those low layer heights are more beneficial to laser sla

Oksana Shevchenko
2020-03-30 06:36:20

Oooo you took it apart?!? Nice!

I do .5

Garrett Chapman
2020-03-30 06:55:52

Scott Pavlich I think you just answered a few questions for me before I even needed to ask lmao. I got my Photon S a few days ago and I've noticed some light bleed and lack of detail. Been printing 28mm miniatures at .02 with an exposure time of 8 seconds. After this one comes off the plate I'm going to print some more at .04 and see how they turn out.

Alexander Bayerdorffer
2020-03-30 08:53:37

I really don't care for his files. While not free this dragon is much better. I am on the last piece of the right wing so if you need help let me know. https://www.myminifactory.com/....../3d-print-red......

Alexander Bayerdorffer
2020-03-30 08:54:13



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