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Anycubic Photon Printer Owners 造訪社團 » 用戶發文

原文網址 Matthew Fry
2020-03-21 06:33:58

Just curious. How long would you put a print outside to cure. Not strong sunlight. It's nothing to special that I want to set up lights.


Robert Mun
2020-03-21 07:15:41

I just toss them outside in the morning and bring them in when I get home from work.

Matthew Fry
2020-03-21 07:16:30

Kinda what I figured. Didn't know if left out to long would do something weird.

Robert Mun
2020-03-21 07:17:08

Matthew Fry hasn't hurt the 6mm and 15mm miniatures that I print

Jim Nelson
2020-03-21 07:26:42

I've left stuff out for hours in the bright Southern California sun without incident. If it's overcast, all day isn't too long.

John Chrapkowski
2020-03-21 10:21:40

Check on it every 20 minutes or so

Chad Elstad
2020-03-21 22:58:14

If it's not strong sunlight, you might have to leave it outside for days



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