原文網址 Merv Hinton 2020-03-17 15:22:22
May I respectfully ask when posting photo's of projects that are exceptionally impressive,please post the Resin used and the Print Settings to help Noobs and others maybe struggling to get buildplate adherence or layer peeling issues..We are a great little community,keep it up !! well done everyone :)
John Nash 2020-03-17 17:44:02
I think I am just getting enough prints that actually work now to start looking at how maybe I get the prints a bit sharper quality so I would welcome seeing peoples settings
Merv Hinton 2020-03-17 17:56:56
Exactly John,I'm fed up with the stock answer of 're-level' coming from people who maybe aren't as experienced as they think they are..far more worthwhile for people to scroll through here and see success is possible..and how to achieve it !
John Henry 2020-03-17 18:36:41
there arent many settings to change... i just use manufacture recommended cure time, and had no issues.
Oliver Matthews 2020-03-17 19:45:46
Good idea but... Ambient temperature can shift the optimum layer times by seconds, rendering this relatively moot. You should _always_ run an exposure test on your machine for a new resin. It takes almost no resin and about 3m to print (plus cure, etc time), so there is no reason not to.
Merv Hinton 2020-03-17 19:46:32
John well done, I'm happy for you..however very few pleas for help and advice on here are why it went right...most are for what went wrong..Settings to change ? I know for at least a dozen..including Layer height,base layers exposure times ..light off delay..lift speed resin type resin temp..etc etc.
Merv Hinton 2020-03-17 19:49:44
Agreed..and maybe we can have temperatures included..if known..I personally think Temperature and lift speed are at the root of a lot of failures..personal experience with photos to show awesome print quality are more realistic than a spreadsheet with 4 or 5 settings for the same resin
Oliver Matthews 2020-03-17 19:57:46
There are a bunch of variables, but most don't matter. Light delays /speeds - just leave at default. Really. Now pick the layer height you want. That's entirely up to you for a quality / time trade off. Okay, now if you have run an exposure test for the combination of layer height and resin you are using*, you know your normal exposure time. If not, run one to find it out. Unless you are printing directly onto the plate without raft (or supports lifting the thing you are printing off the bed), then you basically can't set the bottom values too high**. Set bottom layers to 8 and bottom exposure to 70s. If it sticks too well / not enough, then adjust the exposure time in 5s increments. Done. Finally, remember that people have different tolerances for the quality of the output of their printer. I see a lot of people perfectly happy with prints that are clearly overexposed (and occasionally ones that are underexposed). And this is fine. There is also a slight trade off on detail resolution that means one person's ideal exposure is actually slightly different to another's, even everything else being the same. And that is also fine. But it is just more of the reason why you need to work out your own settings, unfortunately. *and ambient temp, but I'm assuming that that is relatively constant where your printer is kept. ** at 0.05mm layer height, 8 bottom layers mean you are over exposing the bottom 0.4mm of your print. Just arrange for the bits you can about to not be in that range.
Doug Bowman 2020-03-17 20:20:39
Merv Hinton I’ve stopped using the spreadsheet altogether. Running an exposure test is definitely a far more reliable way to see what settings are best for the conditions your printer is in. Also, I strongly recommend running your printer in a climate controlled area to keep the machine at a constant temperature.
Merv Hinton 2020-03-17 20:40:05
Amen to all the above.
Merv Hinton 2020-03-17 20:42:58
This thread has at least brought out a whole raft of variables that may not seem important at the outset..Zee little Grey cells,Hastings... :)
Merv Hinton 2020-03-17 20:45:49
Doug the two things for me that have had the biggest impact on quality and success...Temps at least 25c ..and orienting on the bed..30 degrees off flat or horizontal..and a 10 degree tilt to the side..huge huge difference..
Merv Hinton 2020-03-17 20:47:33
I will take issue with the point of lift speed Oliver..as per : https://www.chitubox.com/article_howto_17839_3_38.html
Gregory Thompson 2020-03-18 01:02:15
Can we post how close we are to chunking the whole thing out the door due to failures ?
Merv Hinton 2020-03-18 01:17:18
Ha :) Hey well maybe,just maybe if we had sensible proven solutions from valid experienced makers the outcome will be different...Look,this is pretty much brand new technology with huge potential made affordable to a group in society that maybe aren't mechanically minded.. some less well suited people who struggle with it..with technology full stop..'Re-level the build plate'..... AAAAARRRGGGHHHHH :) Here are 3 links that will cover most issues..the video guy is really knowledgeable and worth listening to..
Merv Hinton 2020-03-18 01:20:12
Merv Hinton 2020-03-18 01:20:24
Merv Hinton 2020-03-18 01:21:14
Hotline into the Company https://www.facebook.com/xinfu.xie
Liam Kaiser Wilhelm Smith 2020-03-18 02:06:36
I am just saying this is neither new or super complex. I own a couple DLP and SLA printers and the photon is pretty straight forward. I have had people replicate the steps I did and have prints fail as their environmental variables are different. The b est thing you can do is learn the machine yourself. Most of us can only give rough ideas of what to change from your current running. Also the odds people will do this is low, people here barely give you information when their prints fail let alone anywhere else.
Merv Hinton 2020-03-18 02:39:30
Liam...'Who wants to be a Millionaire' is easy if you know the answers...it is relatively new technology,certainly in an affordable kitchen table sense and it is complex if you are not mechanically or Chemistry minded..agree wholeheartedly with your final statement..which is why I make the comments that I do...
原文網址 Merv Hinton 2020-03-13 00:13:34
原文網址 Merv Hinton 2020-03-10 06:47:27
So I happened on this video,very useful even if you have a lot of experience,odd snippets and nuggets,tips and hints that were news to me.. it's well worth a few minutes of your time...enjoy.. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-IFTDv_i4-0 翻譯年糕
原文網址 Merv Hinton 2020-03-10 05:21:32
So,all you Guys who have problems with lack of adhesion to the build plate or peeling during printing..please read..Long story short..Constantly Re-levelling is NOT the holy Grail answer.. Lift speed boys and girls..start with your lift speed..but please read this to better understand the forces involved,the title is misleading;should read '' Vacuum effect..''.. : https://www.chitubox.com/article_howto_17839_3_38.html 翻譯年糕
原文網址 Merv Hinton 2020-02-26 17:29:13
A list of links that are technically accurate..worthwhile truthful and all you need to answer all your queries https://www.chitubox.com/indepth_17839_1.html https://www.facebook.com/xinfu.xie https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=roAqm5c3rfU https://www.google.com/search?q=youtube%20anycubic%20replace%20fep&pws=0&gl=us&gws_rd=cr&fbclid=IwAR3uuVVVKP4Suu6gPc7EYBH5eQaIXQPwKTSFaEoQvVagoPDwTAAgbYS7QDU#gws_rd=cr&kpvalbx=_awVVXpLFILqG1fAP1pePsAk9 https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCbv2mDrRqXovPdahRyoCFhA 翻譯年糕
原文網址 Merv Hinton 2020-02-22 07:30:43
原文網址 Merv Hinton 2020-02-22 07:27:42
Hotline into Anycubic Customer service: https://www.facebook.com/xinfu.xie?__tn__=lC-R&eid=ARD8396mcz_03Hp_EbizHuIFgc7KwsstPfsn5-ZEGr4E-5sPi0cE4WjYE8qwyhIv1n22ZcyPIz07iR6B&hc_ref=ARRgcEe5k27TTl0v3ke4CUb2FRvFQpfadUxs_sxBAj-6Se9FQtcF6hrRvFQhFL5tY28&ref=nf_target&__xts__%5B0%5D=68.ARBIYiNBGmpamk07q1ZO1k4ySclY2fajWstNy0ZFRMMyrwyCvZ_ioE9_23F3NxXuRfIceqrviEgWYUX0N9qWiNxcQrUcBQr8qV7Fu7nBqni70Asi7KcyobWZC4ksBVY7ByGVSJdv6NzuoXY1yfuqpS_zeqiMoVGPU6OxWP5OL-6lax7PCS73uQKcLjBIMOhA9apiKTg1beT8ytbwDTcwnIgQk4Gx9Mgozg7QwEtz9Kkp-tLtGmuJ0qACGPEHDzDu970zuXxp78u2-hzG_-FYNt5IrmkszZiM1Lhps3bjl4FsN2iqqGxMsFdN3cSqgqTyLapSZrXHI8XcZlNcaHQUT0FNUNdh4DH8Si20Op837LRdaCstP15Z88L3Eims4bNzpfirDJUa5LnjSpgdqHyNXMWC3D-YXT2IyxUGBsKM_OO94MpVkg1sDTn0Xea2VbIkNLkz7MEtw8MVagDQvqrmFQmGCnPPGJOUFieyYvgkypp5GBqcJalT
原文網址 Merv Hinton 2020-02-19 14:52:36
Anycubic Photon owner page..where you can you read a posting that includes the phrase '' I vent through a window''... and no one bats an eyelid... :)
原文網址 Merv Hinton 2020-02-02 06:57:58
So I have discovered a Chitubox webpage that really is useful,especially for Noobs... Helps to demystify some of the Tech speak that gets a bit heavy in here at times...enjoy :) https://www.chitubox.com/indepth_17839_1.html 翻譯年糕
Merv Hinton 2020-02-02 07:18:57
Ehne Pereira 2020-02-02 08:25:40
Vicki Webb 2020-02-02 20:02:39
Merv Hinton 2020-02-03 00:12:54
原文網址 Merv Hinton 2019-11-13 05:33:35
So I bit the bullet...Sonic-the-cleaner rocked up today...Did someone post a thing about the UK equivalent to Simply Green for post print cleaning ? Was it Flash ? TYIA
David Collinson 2019-11-13 05:56:24
全不選 常用關鍵字