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Anycubic Photon Printer Owners 造訪社團 » 用戶發文

原文網址 Doug Bowman
2020-02-26 07:29:35

Modeled and engineered for printing in ZBrush, printed on my Photon and Ender 3 Pro


Josh Bryzelak
2020-02-26 09:02:37

Doug Bowman
2020-02-26 12:59:53

Josh Bryzelak
2020-02-26 13:03:43

Doug Bowman
2020-02-26 13:06:31

原文網址 Doug Bowman
2020-01-15 21:26:46

When you’re running low on resin and Amazon says your resin will be there by 8am:


Konstantin Zaicev
2020-01-15 21:36:53

Doug Bowman
2020-01-15 21:37:46

Rasmus Bremholm
2020-01-15 21:39:44

Doug Bowman
2020-01-15 21:59:51

Richard Rush
2020-01-15 22:12:16

Doug Bowman
2020-01-15 22:19:56

Richard Rush
2020-01-15 22:24:59

Warren Peace
2020-01-16 01:57:52

Kostas Yiatilis MacFarlane
2020-01-16 06:21:32

Luke Mason
2020-01-16 06:38:22

Justin Leone
2020-01-21 01:26:08

原文網址 Doug Bowman
2020-01-14 05:18:31

There are some days where I just love the detail I can get with Photon so much!


Danny Dawson
2020-01-14 15:33:19

AusRob Kirgan
2020-01-14 17:46:31

Doug Bowman
2020-01-14 20:12:35

Danny Dawson
2020-01-14 22:03:14

Doug Bowman
2020-01-14 22:27:43

原文網址 Doug Bowman
2019-11-25 03:39:05

This turned out lovely ?


原文網址 Doug Bowman
2019-11-22 11:18:32

Does anyone have a link to those new disposable resin vats? I’ve been searching Amazon for them but apparently my search-fu is lacking today


Hugh Jeriolas
2019-11-22 11:21:06

Doug Bowman
2019-11-22 11:58:45

Guy Romhild
2019-11-23 01:04:45

Scott Simoneau
2019-11-23 08:12:14

原文網址 Doug Bowman
2019-10-15 23:33:00

Finally got around to painting something that came off of my Photon!


Matt Dowis
2019-10-15 23:36:22

原文網址 Doug Bowman
2019-10-07 23:30:27

Quick question--which firmware do I need to upgrade my Photon to so that I can turn anti-aliasing on?


Stefan Giudici
2019-10-07 23:44:32

Doug Bowman
2019-10-07 23:45:38

Stefan Giudici
2019-10-07 23:46:38

Danny Broekhuis
2019-10-07 23:48:31

Doug Bowman
2019-10-07 23:50:10

Danny Broekhuis
2019-10-07 23:51:14

Doug Bowman
2019-10-08 00:01:29

Danny Broekhuis
2019-10-08 00:12:21

原文網址 Doug Bowman
2019-10-03 20:53:59

Free STLs of classical art! This was just shared in another group I follow and I thought it too good not to share.


Doug Bowman
2019-10-03 21:01:54

Christer Lindqvist
2019-10-04 01:53:42

Jamie Ott
2019-10-04 03:29:52

Doug Bowman
2019-10-04 04:09:08

Odette Mintrom Riley
2019-10-04 06:49:11

Shawn Fisher
2019-10-04 09:03:26

Michael S Dooley
2019-10-07 14:27:28

原文網址 Doug Bowman
2019-08-24 21:50:31

I’ve ran into this weird issue with a couple of longer prints. I’ve made sure everything is leveled, got the vat and the build plate tightened down, but during the print I get this weird shift (circled in blue in the photo). The first time this happened I noticed the knob holding the build plate seemed a little loose, so I thought I must have not tightened it down completely. I printed the same file again, no obvious problems. Ran it again and I noticed the shift you see in the photo and that the knob on the build plate was loose when I pulled the build plate off the machine. I went back to look at the previous print I thought was flawless and I found a very subtle shift at about the same layer. Has anyone else ran into an issue of their build plate knob loosening during the course of printing? Or have I diagnosed my issue incorrectly and it’s something else?


Richard Driessen
2019-08-24 21:52:00

Doug Bowman
2019-08-24 21:52:58

Zena Andreou
2019-08-24 21:55:52

Jon-paul Blinston
2019-08-24 21:57:07

Spike Walker
2019-08-24 21:57:52

Niall Forrester
2019-08-24 21:58:18

Doug Bowman
2019-08-24 21:58:29

Richard Driessen
2019-08-24 21:59:37

Zena Andreou
2019-08-24 22:00:06

Jarrod Smith
2019-08-24 23:20:55

Adam Musgrove
2019-08-25 02:11:37

Doug Bowman
2019-08-25 09:14:56

原文網址 Doug Bowman
2019-07-30 21:45:32

I was wondering how often do you all change out the IPA in your rinse baths? Also, what should I do with the Old IPA when I do change it out?


Brad Bernstein
2019-07-30 22:00:01

Doug Bowman
2019-07-30 22:03:15

Will Koehler
2019-07-30 22:12:12

Scott Pavlich
2019-07-30 22:13:48

Doug Bowman
2019-07-30 22:19:02

Scott Pavlich
2019-07-30 22:21:35

Doug Bowman
2019-07-30 22:21:41

Doug Bowman
2019-07-30 22:25:02

Will Koehler
2019-07-30 22:29:22

Doug Bowman
2019-07-30 22:32:23

Brad Bernstein
2019-07-30 22:39:14

Brad Bernstein
2019-07-30 22:41:05

Doug Bowman
2019-07-30 22:42:38

Brad Bernstein
2019-07-30 22:43:54

Doug Bowman
2019-07-30 23:00:34



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