原文網址 Rolf Meijer 2019-11-11 19:45:45
If the touchscreen is showing this.... What is the problem?
Alessandro E. Danti 2019-11-11 19:52:20
Rolf Meijer 2019-11-11 20:03:44
Sen Kun 2019-11-11 20:50:03
Johnson Yeh 2019-11-11 21:02:08
Johnson Yeh 2019-11-11 21:02:50
原文網址 Rolf Meijer 2019-09-04 03:26:31
Keegan Bradford 2019-09-04 03:47:44
Theo Nestora 2019-09-04 04:09:16
Jlee Usn 2019-09-04 06:40:21
原文網址 Rolf Meijer 2018-08-25 17:35:59
10% Discount on Resin, FEP and most other products ends September 1th. Use coupon 'fepyday2018' www.fepshop.com
原文網址 Rolf Meijer 2018-08-14 02:11:23
Just a reminder. FEPshop.com is closed for summer from August 14th till August 31th. Tomorrow we will be processing last shipping round till we are back. So you have a few hours to get your FEP, Resin and other stuff before we close.
原文網址 Rolf Meijer 2018-08-03 04:28:56
FEPshop finally has stock of AnyCubic Resin, Photon VATs & Power Supplies.
Unfortunately no Photon buildplates in this shipment :(
A few Photon LED's and Touchscreens also came in and will be added to the store soon. If you desperately need one just contact me.
原文網址 Rolf Meijer 2018-07-26 16:36:38
Available from next week Yellow UV Protection windows for your AnyCubic Photon with Blue windows! These windows will keep your print and resin vat from recieving unwanted UV rays.
原文網址 Rolf Meijer 2018-07-20 21:54:37
We don't have a demo unit to check if our new window kit fits. Who wants to test this for us and get our new yellow UV protection window for free.
原文網址 Rolf Meijer 2018-07-20 06:20:38
原文網址 Rolf Meijer 2018-07-16 03:58:36
About a year ago we released a cheap, easier to use resin vat for the D7, we call it a FEPvat. Currently we are developing a version for the WOW SparkMaker and V2 for the D7. With the recent adition of the Photon to our workshop we where thinking maybe we could also make a FEPvat it.
We would like to know if people would be interested in a FEPvat for the Anycubic Photon?
原文網址 Rolf Meijer 2018-06-26 22:36:16
New Anycubic Photon products at FEPshop. - Photon compatible FEP 127HD samples € 9,50 (incl.VAT) Free shipping worldwide! - StatusAvailable UV window kit. Makes your blue acrylic window version UV proof! https://www.fepshop.com/product/fep-sheet/anycubic-photon/
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