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Anycubic Photon Printer Owners 造訪社團 » 用戶發文

原文網址 Nel Elson
2019-02-08 12:13:07

What is the best way (orientation) to print hollow cylinders in the photon? I'm trying to print basic robot legs (small), but the prints keep failing (warped or breaking off). I could've swore there was an auto-orientation fewture in Chitubox, but I guess I was wrong. Any advise is greatly appreciated. ?


Tori Beckett
2019-02-08 12:21:18

Zena Andreou
2019-02-08 14:46:56

Mike Roof
2019-02-09 00:04:51

Richard Shapiro
2019-02-09 02:11:01

原文網址 Nel Elson
2018-04-10 23:29:03

A short video of my SLA printer UV Laser in action. Acts just like an FDM printer's nozzle... that's why I like the Photon better!


原文網址 Nel Elson
2018-04-08 10:11:06

I'm seeking guidance regarding power intensity of the Photon UV lamp. I would like to use the Photocentric resin I purchased for the Photon in my Nobel 1.0 UV Laser printer. Since the Photocentric takes such a long exposure time to cure with the DLP, I was wondering how much power it would need to cure with the UV Laser ( adjustable power ranged from 0 -72mW). I don't want it to fry the resin, but I have no idea where to begin. Any advise is greatly appreciated!


原文網址 Nel Elson
2018-03-27 07:38:41

I was browsing through Thingiverse and came across a few Wanhao D7?VATs posted there for downloading. Does anyone know if they will fit the Photon?


原文網址 Nel Elson
2018-03-14 22:51:30

Having a bit of an issue with the Monocure Rapid Grey resin. I know it is most likely my fault, but for the life of me I can’t get it to print as good as the 3D Okay White resin. The prints come out lacking details, and “bigger” (overcured?) than they should. I even went down to 8 sec exposure time with 1 second off, but ithey came out no different from the prints done with 11 seconds exposure time. Any suggestions?


原文網址 Nel Elson
2018-03-10 21:34:51

How long do you leave the prints in IPA for best results?


原文網址 Nel Elson
2018-02-28 03:38:06

I’m having some issues with 3D Okay and small supports. Anyone has abvise on what is the smallest/thinnest support to use?


原文網址 Nel Elson
2018-02-27 12:51:08

So, I tried running the Photon Slicer 135 on an old Windows 10 (x64) laptop. However, the slicer starts, but no workarea is shown. Hmmm...


原文網址 Nel Elson
2018-02-27 00:35:30

Is this the Photocentric Resin that takes 32 seconds per layer to cure? :(


原文網址 Nel Elson
2018-02-20 10:24:01

? . Not having any luck with any other resin but the Anycubic brand that came with the printer. Anyone knows where to buy Anycubic resin from? Anycubic website doesn’t even have it! ?




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