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Anycubic Photon Printer Owners 造訪社團 » 用戶發文

原文網址 James Rotondo
2019-10-05 11:01:29

for regular anycubic photon which firmware is it on or which do i use ?


Melecio Guzman
2019-10-05 11:05:48

Melecio Guzman
2019-10-05 11:06:14

James Rotondo
2019-10-05 11:07:45

James Rotondo
2019-10-05 11:08:51

Melecio Guzman
2019-10-05 11:09:24

Melecio Guzman
2019-10-05 11:10:50

James Rotondo
2019-10-05 11:10:51

Simon Wilson
2019-10-07 04:23:41

Melecio Guzman
2019-10-07 13:46:02

原文網址 James Rotondo
2019-07-11 19:01:50

Does Amazon have a replacement LCD for the anycubic photon I see the anycubic photon s replacement screen will that work the same I need to know where to get it for future reference.


Henry Laubscher
2019-07-11 19:04:57

James Rotondo
2019-07-11 20:37:29

Jon Lamkin
2019-07-12 00:42:08

James Rotondo
2019-07-12 00:48:43

原文網址 James Rotondo
2019-06-23 00:32:46

what heater do u guys reccomend for inside chamber?


Josh Norris
2019-06-23 00:37:17

Richard Burrell
2019-06-23 00:58:33

Peter Ede
2019-06-23 17:19:44

Mothy Reynolds
2019-06-23 23:41:20

James Rotondo
2019-08-09 07:51:18

原文網址 James Rotondo
2019-06-16 22:39:44

what settings does everyone use for siriya blue ?


Jörg Schötz
2019-06-16 23:00:41

Jörg Schötz
2019-06-16 23:02:24

Tim Allen
2019-06-17 03:25:31

James Rotondo
2019-06-18 20:40:40

原文網址 James Rotondo
2019-06-12 19:02:37

Got my upgrade ready for install, rail system more solid


Pat Sinclair
2019-06-12 19:06:10

James Rotondo
2019-06-12 19:09:26

Troy Tepes
2019-06-12 19:59:52

Daniel Felipe Arias
2019-06-12 20:01:24

Kyle Turgoose
2019-06-12 20:31:05

Matthias Asselborn
2019-06-12 21:02:11

Dale Blackwell
2019-06-12 21:13:59

Richard Shapiro
2019-06-12 21:31:20

Kyle Turgoose
2019-06-12 21:32:43

James Rotondo
2019-06-12 21:44:27

Dale Blackwell
2019-06-12 21:54:20

Chad Elstad
2019-06-12 21:55:00

James Rotondo
2019-06-12 21:56:50

James Rotondo
2019-06-12 21:57:06

Derek Reihe
2019-06-12 22:04:55

Jim Debruyne
2019-06-12 22:09:51

Chad Elstad
2019-06-12 22:20:01

James Rotondo
2019-06-13 00:38:59

Jarrod Smith
2019-06-13 00:43:51

Ocie Ward
2019-06-13 01:31:59

Jesus Aquino
2019-06-13 03:15:53

Ocie Ward
2019-06-13 03:47:36

Derek Reihe
2019-06-13 03:48:55

Jarrod Smith
2019-06-13 03:49:37

Derek Reihe
2019-06-13 03:51:04

原文網址 James Rotondo
2019-04-17 05:33:36

Anyone have link for the backlash nut? Anyone have link for the backlash nut? 翻譯年糕

David Nicholls
2019-04-17 05:41:26

Gary Houser
2019-04-19 02:37:35

原文網址 James Rotondo
2019-02-07 09:38:30

Someone was working on a stable rail system for the anycubic and updated on it? Someone was working on a stable rail system for the anycubic and updated on it? 翻譯年糕

原文網址 James Rotondo
2018-07-03 18:23:20

Can someone link me a replacement lead screw I'm sick of anycubic playing riddles with me would this work

Check this out at Amazon.com
Iverntech NEMA 17 Stepper Motor with Integrated 310mm T8 Lead Screw for RepRap Prusa i3 3D Printers Z Axis or CNC Machine https://www.amazon.com/…/ref=cm_sw_r_other_apa_T30oBbCQ0BBQG


原文網址 James Rotondo
2018-07-01 01:40:57

Print came out awesome but the lines on this head is it from pausing it cause I did it a few times it's only a test print and recommendations on what's causing it ? could it be the orientation of it i printed it flat? need help guys pls


原文網址 James Rotondo
2018-06-30 20:01:46

where can i get a replacement lead screw?




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