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Anycubic Photon Printer Owners 造訪社團 » 用戶發文

原文網址 Francesco Della Ragione
2018-12-13 03:24:29

So I've been having some issues in my latest prints.
I tried releveling after every print but there always seems to be some weird spot.
Base layer peel off the platform and warp during print, prints detach from supports or supports get broken.

Now this was also the last of my anycubic yellow and my next prints will be in Anycubic Gray, so I'll probably get a through cleaning of the machine and vat done before my next print but this has really pissed me off.

Any pointers on what could have caused this?

Printed with these settings 0.02/7/3.5/50/8, supports generated automatically and cleaned up manually to add some.


William Karnesky
2018-12-13 03:33:16

Sen Kun
2018-12-13 03:49:52

Francesco Della Ragione
2018-12-13 03:51:50

William Karnesky
2018-12-13 04:03:34

Markus Rahn
2018-12-13 04:41:37

Richard Shapiro
2018-12-13 05:03:38

Richard Shapiro
2018-12-13 05:03:51

Richard Shapiro
2018-12-13 05:05:59

Lee Wasilenko
2018-12-13 05:10:32

Francesco Della Ragione
2018-12-13 05:19:09

Richard Shapiro
2018-12-13 05:21:34

原文網址 Francesco Della Ragione
2018-06-21 22:41:45

So I don't know if this has been asked before but where do you guys dispose of your IPA? I have a container i've kept it in for post curing but it's time to put some fresh one in and take the slimy old shit to the trash, but I belive there's some way to dispose of it that doesn't destroy the environment :D

that shit must be toxic as hell


原文網址 Francesco Della Ragione
2018-06-20 00:22:12

3D printed myself a dwarf themed combat gauge for my Fyreslayer army for Age of Sigmar.
Modeled in zBrush and 3D printed on my Anycubic Photon.


原文網址 Francesco Della Ragione
2018-06-08 16:05:47

So I ran out of the anycubic green resin I had with my printer and I'm looking to get some more resin. Amazon is currently my main target and they have anycubic resins for 35€ for half a liter.
Which one is the most similar to the green?
I'm printing at 0.02/7/1.5/60/8 and had the results i was hoping for with the green. I don't really want to deviate much from those settings, mostly the 0.02 layer height.


原文網址 Francesco Della Ragione
2018-06-01 19:05:51

I've got my printer a couple of days ago and after some failures I've finally got around to not making dumb mistakes... now that being said I'm almost out of resin and need to purchase some.
I'm printing stuff at high res, going for 0.02 on anycubic green, and was wondering if anyone has gone for 0.01? if so which resin did you use and what settings?

I'm printing miniature bases I've sculpted and I need these to be as smooth and clean of print lines as possible, without much sanding required.




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