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Anycubic Photon Printer Owners 造訪社團 » 用戶發文

原文網址 Lee Wasilenko
2019-12-19 05:51:49

Let's talk about printing bases! (or anything with one flat side that you really want to be nice and flat)
I usually print with a skate and my object floating and supported but currently I'm trying to print a set of bases and I don't like how they turn out when I do it that way - The supports always leave marks and high spots and the object sometimes has visible lines due to imperfections in the print process.
So I'm trying to print them flat on the plate but that means that they are SUPER hard to remove from the plate. My usual plastic scraper couldn't do it, so I had to use a metal scraper and a lot of force. I even cut my hand a bit removing this one. Also the long exposure means that the bottom layers have the 'elephant feet' look them them.
I often have problems with plate adhesion when I print at a lower exposure time for bottom layers, especially at this time of year when my shop is pretty cold. I'm going to experiment to see how short of a bottom exposure I can get away with for these bases, but while I experiment with that I wanted to hear from you:

What's your trick for printing bases or objects with a flat side?

What range of bottom exposure times have you had success with?

Do you have a clever trick for removing the objects from the plate quickly and safely?


Dane Bennett
2019-12-19 05:54:00

Zachary Ford
2019-12-19 05:55:13

James Richmond
2019-12-19 05:56:14

Chris Beaumont
2019-12-19 17:33:30

Ivan Antharon Antalec
2019-12-19 18:14:13

Davide Rizzo
2019-12-19 18:41:44

Yessik Ziiq
2019-12-19 18:46:37

Tommy Wong
2019-12-19 20:37:54

Joel Mendoza
2019-12-20 11:56:47

Neil Joseph
2019-12-21 02:31:21

原文網址 Lee Wasilenko
2019-06-19 23:36:56

Anyone else have the problem that Photon Validator 2.0 sometimes doesn't process past a certain layer? For example, this photon file will not calculate beyond layer 1000. I have tried re-slicing and re-saving but the result was the same. I've had a look at layer 1000 and the surrounding layers but I don't see anything out of the ordinary, nor has my computer's RAM or CPU usage increase while calculating this layer. Not sure what to try next


Leonardo Delgado
2019-06-20 00:00:55

Lee Wasilenko
2019-06-20 00:02:22

Leonardo Delgado
2019-06-20 00:03:39

Lee Wasilenko
2019-06-20 00:16:59

Leonardo Delgado
2019-06-20 00:17:56

Chad Elstad
2019-06-20 00:18:19

Leonardo Delgado
2019-06-20 00:18:38

Lee Wasilenko
2019-06-20 03:38:44

Leonardo Delgado
2019-06-20 05:54:52

Lee Wasilenko
2019-06-20 06:27:54

Leonardo Delgado
2019-06-20 08:11:54

Leonardo Delgado
2019-06-20 19:14:38

Leonardo Delgado
2019-06-20 19:17:06

Leonardo Delgado
2019-06-20 19:23:23

Lee Wasilenko
2019-06-20 23:50:29

Lee Wasilenko
2019-06-20 23:59:26

Leonardo Delgado
2019-06-21 08:51:27

原文網址 Lee Wasilenko
2019-05-15 06:17:11

Sometimes my supports don’t connect to the part and it leads to flat spots on my prints. I suspected the contact depth and exposure times needed to be increased, but that doesn’t always seem to work.
Is there another factor in this problem that I’m missing?
I use Photon Validator to fix pixel islands on all my prints in case that’s relevant.
How have you solved this problem?


Danny Lloyd
2019-05-15 06:21:49

Richard Shapiro
2019-05-15 07:10:14

原文網址 Lee Wasilenko
2019-04-19 23:20:16

Is this usually what happens if you leave resin sitting in the tank for too long? The resin sat for over a week but I mixed it up in the vat with a spatula and added some more, shaken, resin before printing. Settings were what I normally use for this Anycubic Aqua: 8 bottom layers at 65s each and 12s per layer.


Nick Santana
2019-04-19 23:30:10

Andy Lokman
2019-04-19 23:48:12

Lee Wasilenko
2019-04-19 23:55:34

Dennis Back
2019-04-20 00:04:43

Andy Lokman
2019-04-20 01:53:34

原文網址 Lee Wasilenko
2019-03-15 04:25:20

I've seen a lot of people adding screen protectors to their Photons. Am I correct in assuming these are just for additional protection and they go on over top of the existing screen (right under the vat)?

Has anyone tried this screen protector from Banggood?


FEPShop shipping is prohibitively expensive :(


原文網址 Lee Wasilenko
2019-03-12 14:27:47

Anyone know why the supports just stopped printing in the middle?
I used a fresh download of Chitubox 1.3 to support and slice. Then I used Photon Validator to fix pixel islands. The USB stick I’m using is a name brand (Sandisk)


Sen Kun
2019-03-12 14:32:24

Kurtis Brown
2019-03-12 14:46:11

Alex Vee
2019-03-12 14:55:52

Lee Wasilenko
2019-03-12 22:41:53

Lee Wasilenko
2019-03-12 22:44:05

Lee Wasilenko
2019-03-12 22:45:27

Mike Roof
2019-03-13 00:24:00

Paul Mabbott
2019-03-13 04:09:08

Lee Wasilenko
2019-03-13 04:17:14

Paul Mabbott
2019-03-13 04:18:15

Lee Wasilenko
2019-03-13 04:22:37

Paul Mabbott
2019-03-13 04:27:14

Farmer John Jensen
2019-03-15 02:10:33

Aaron Chambers
2019-03-15 02:44:53

原文網址 Lee Wasilenko
2019-02-05 02:21:55

I've got a case of flat feet here. I've been trying to print the legs of a Duncan Louca model but each attempt has had issues with the feet turning out flat. The first two photos are my first attempt and the second two photos are the second attempt after adjusting the angle and the supports. I'm using Chitubox 1.3 default supports with 50% density and then adding in a few at the bottom and other places that look like they might need it, but both prints did not turn out.

Any one have any ideas? Anything obvious I got wrong?


Derek Reihe
2019-02-05 02:22:29

Lee Wasilenko
2019-02-05 02:27:32

Lee Wasilenko
2019-02-05 02:27:57

Lee Wasilenko
2019-02-05 02:28:28

Derek Reihe
2019-02-05 02:31:03

Duncan Louca
2019-02-05 03:19:32

Mark Wardle
2019-02-05 03:57:28

Mark Wardle
2019-02-05 03:58:03

Lee Wasilenko
2019-02-05 06:23:41

Lee Wasilenko
2019-02-07 07:25:19

原文網址 Lee Wasilenko
2018-12-06 14:09:54

Alright I've re-zeroed again (again again again) and this time I have the plate extremely tight to the screen. It's so tight that I can actually hear the FEP go 'ting' when the bottom layers are pulled away between exposures. I was told that this is how it should be.

So hopefully the adhesion issues are solved and I'm moving on to the next challenge - Supports and placements, slicer settings etc.

As you can see from the photos, one of my minis did not make it and the other has a 'withered' arm (it printed flat and the supports did not seem to reach all the way to the arm).

The one that didn't make it seems to me like it probably got pulled off the supports by the suction forces created in the retraction between layers. The base was sitting on the bottom of the vat so that seems to fit the theory. So for that one I probably just need to increase the angle at which it was printed.

For the one with the withered arm I not quite so sure why it's flat and why the supports don't reach all the way to the arm.
I use ChiTuBox medium supports with the default medium settings. This is the second time this failure has happened, the first time was with default light supports.

What do you think happened?

Slicer settings: 8 bottom layers, 60s each, 12s layers, 6.5s offtime. Anycubic Green resin


Kel Gon
2018-12-06 15:11:48

Scott Young
2018-12-06 16:03:05

Dirk Ossebaar
2018-12-06 18:45:55

Lee Wasilenko
2018-12-07 00:29:46

David Bedford
2018-12-07 02:23:36

Lee Wasilenko
2018-12-07 06:24:34

Kel Gon
2018-12-07 09:19:24

原文網址 Lee Wasilenko
2018-12-06 09:57:34

I have to restart my Photon two or more times before it recognizes the USB stick. I see on the Anycubic Photon support page ( http://www.anycubic3d.com/support/show/594032.html ) there are 2 firmware versions available. The second firmware update talks about what I assume is this USB problem.

The question is: What firmware is my Photon actually running? Is this update already applied? Attached is a photo of the info page from my device but I don't see how this information correlates the the version numbers shown on the website.


James Cachia-Garrett
2018-12-06 10:37:33

Lee Wasilenko
2018-12-06 14:42:08

Sen Kun
2018-12-06 16:18:25

Chad Elstad
2018-12-07 02:10:48

原文網址 Lee Wasilenko
2018-12-05 13:21:48

How long does FEP film for the Photon usually last? I'm using 95% Rubbing Alcohol or 99% Isopropyl Alcohol and normal paper towels to clean mine and it's already looking pretty cloudy after only 5 print (3 of them failed prints requiring clean-up including plastic scraper). The cloudiness might just be residue from the alcohol so there's probably a way to remove it.
At what point does the FEP's optical degradation start to affect prints and need to be replaced?


Kel Gon
2018-12-05 13:25:32

Jay Kay
2018-12-05 13:32:10

Natan Kozirev
2018-12-05 13:34:59

Sf Yip
2018-12-05 13:50:18

David Paquette
2018-12-05 14:19:58

Christian Hoel
2018-12-05 14:20:37

Nick Santana
2018-12-05 14:43:38

Enrico EB
2018-12-05 15:27:25

Stefan Lukus
2018-12-05 20:39:15

Chad Elstad
2018-12-05 20:57:47

David Bedford
2018-12-05 21:05:11

Chad Elstad
2018-12-05 21:09:47

David Bedford
2018-12-05 21:11:29

Sen Kun
2018-12-05 22:38:16

David Bedford
2018-12-05 22:50:40

Sherri Leyden
2018-12-05 23:30:10

Sam Cunningham
2018-12-05 23:32:34

Sen Kun
2018-12-05 23:40:15

Sen Kun
2018-12-05 23:43:40

Sherri Leyden
2018-12-05 23:44:33

Sen Kun
2018-12-05 23:45:39

Chad Elstad
2018-12-05 23:48:46

Sam Cunningham
2018-12-05 23:52:52

Sen Kun
2018-12-05 23:58:05

David Bedford
2018-12-05 23:59:57

Chad Elstad
2018-12-06 00:58:16

David Bedford
2018-12-06 01:04:06

Zalrohg Lekkolo
2018-12-06 01:49:46

Vinicius Silva
2018-12-06 07:23:37

Lee Wasilenko
2018-12-06 08:22:02

Vinicius Silva
2018-12-06 08:36:39

Lee Wasilenko
2018-12-06 09:02:44

Wesley Dowell
2018-12-06 18:42:20



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