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Anycubic Photon Printer Owners 造訪社團 » 用戶發文

原文網址 Hobby Mike
2019-05-19 04:23:10

Anti Aliasing test run.

Same exact part, I am pretty sure same settings, though I have not used CHTB much, so I could be off.

First things first, Layer at .075. I slice with the Photon slicer. Original file was 58MB. Photo #1. You can see the aliasing effect near the curves.

Photo #2 is the same part, same orientaion, AA was set to 8. Sliced with Chitu. File was 478mb..... Photo #2. There is some ringing, but Im sure that is machine related, I have one that has this issue from time to time depending on part orientation.

Result is I am impressed. Other than the file size being so massive, I think its a success, you can visibly see a difference in what I call a scaling effect on the Z axis.


Joseph Bushen
2019-05-19 04:25:47

Hobby Mike
2019-05-19 04:27:09

3D Scanning Guy
2019-05-19 04:43:53

Alexander Mihailov
2019-05-19 04:50:14

David Nicholls
2019-05-19 05:45:37

Vinh Lee
2019-06-02 14:06:58

Travis K. Jansen
2019-10-02 23:31:23

Vinicius Silva
2019-10-03 16:44:09

Jarrod Smith
2019-10-03 22:50:19

原文網址 Hobby Mike
2019-03-09 02:51:34

Video of the Z-Failure issue on my machine. Eproms reset and firmware 4.2.1 installed, USB is inserted direct into the motherboard, no cables, the stick is also proven on two other machines to be working.The unit continues to read, and cycle yet the z will not move until the power is cycled on and off, in this case the z failed again on trying to move it, that was the first time this has happened.

Unit was purchased in January.


Hobby Mike
2019-03-09 02:58:09

Роман Хариков
2019-03-09 03:53:13

Hobby Mike
2019-03-09 03:59:39

Sen Kun
2019-03-09 04:20:56

Sen Kun
2019-03-09 04:22:02

Hobby Mike
2019-03-09 04:58:36

Hobby Mike
2019-03-09 05:01:00

Hobby Mike
2019-03-09 06:37:17

Sen Kun
2019-03-09 06:50:36

Hobby Mike
2019-03-09 06:52:58

Sen Kun
2019-03-09 06:58:45

Hobby Mike
2019-03-09 06:59:32

Hobby Mike
2019-03-09 07:00:00

Sen Kun
2019-03-09 07:01:53

Hobby Mike
2019-03-09 07:03:43

Sen Kun
2019-03-09 07:04:54

Hobby Mike
2019-03-09 07:06:19

Sen Kun
2019-03-09 07:10:31

Hobby Mike
2019-03-10 21:04:51

Hobby Mike
2019-03-11 19:58:17

原文網址 Hobby Mike
2019-03-07 08:34:01

Intermittent Z failure?

Seeing if anyone has had issues with the z just failing to move, then not moving at all. The machine continues to cycle the print. If left to run out the remainder, or if I press stop, the z still will not operate at all. When power is cycled on the machine it operates just fine.

I have tried the eproms reset, I have tried new firmwares, nothing fixes the issue.

Can anyone help?


John Stanford
2019-03-07 09:54:23

原文網址 Hobby Mike
2019-02-06 03:11:15

I have been using these for a month now, Great results and very cost effective compared to the OEM ones.


Shawn Atlas
2019-02-06 03:49:23

Hobby Mike
2019-02-06 03:50:27

Pawel Drogowski
2019-02-06 04:22:49

Robert Silvers
2019-02-06 04:53:31

Mike Johnson
2019-02-06 13:24:55

Jerico SC
2019-02-08 18:14:13

Didier Dogliani
2019-02-08 20:26:45

Robert Silvers
2019-02-08 20:39:11

Jerico SC
2019-02-08 21:15:42

原文網址 Hobby Mike
2019-02-01 21:04:56

Lightning deal $363


Tim Kline
2019-02-01 22:29:23

Jarrod Smith
2019-02-01 22:43:18

Mike Mellon
2019-02-02 00:18:29

原文網址 Hobby Mike
2019-01-09 00:52:55

Just a query, maybe some of the Anycubic people on here can answer this. I have a VAT that when moved in and out of the machine causes the machine to beep. I assume it is tripping somehow the Z limit sensor?? This machine has also had some Gremlins. Issues with the Z motor driving, intermittent failures. What are the chances the metal ring screws holding the FEP are getting magnetized and screwing with the machine????

I ask this because when I just changed the VAT to a different one, the machine seems to be fine, and the other machine I placed the VAT in has now begun messing up????


原文網址 Hobby Mike
2019-01-04 01:45:59

Have an older machine out of warranty, Resin leaked on the touchscreen, now it is inop. Anyone have a source to get a new one?


Santiago Cardona
2019-01-04 01:48:36

Hobby Mike
2019-01-04 01:50:16

Sen Kun
2019-01-04 01:57:26

Sen Kun
2019-01-04 01:58:58

Hobby Mike
2019-01-04 01:59:20

Sen Kun
2019-01-04 02:03:04

Hobby Mike
2019-01-04 02:08:13

Sen Kun
2019-01-04 02:11:40

Vinicius Silva
2019-01-05 04:57:55

原文網址 Hobby Mike
2019-01-03 20:46:37

Ha sanyone here experienced random Z Motor failure? No codes, no warning, just Z stops driving and the print resumes until completed, yet the print has stopped going up or down. When completed, Z motor can be moved manually, and after the motor functions fine, i have had this happen 4 times in 10 prints on a brand new machine less than 3 weeks old.


Ryan Turner
2019-01-03 20:50:00

Sen Kun
2019-01-03 21:08:37

Sen Kun
2019-01-03 21:11:14

Hobby Mike
2019-01-03 21:18:54

Vinicius Silva
2019-01-03 21:40:52

Sen Kun
2019-01-03 21:55:43

Hobby Mike
2019-01-03 21:56:32

Hobby Mike
2019-01-03 21:57:41

Sen Kun
2019-01-03 21:57:42

Hobby Mike
2019-01-03 21:58:54

Sen Kun
2019-01-03 21:59:49

Hobby Mike
2019-01-04 01:45:14

原文網址 Hobby Mike
2018-10-17 05:38:44

As far as failing LCDs, I have had the black dots, but now have a machine curing resin in the vat outside the masked area while it prints. It is not disturbing the print just yet, but will have a film sometimes on the print in areas it peels off as it prints, and almost always has cured resin on the FEP outside the print area when the print is done. Anyone have any experience with this kind of failure?

It is alomst the direct opposite of the black dot type of failure, like the mask is failing?


原文網址 Hobby Mike
2018-06-28 08:24:54



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