Ok Folks, so word of the Photon X is spreading and of course AnyCubic is asking for what we'd like to see in the latest version. I've seen many people here asking for larger build volumes (some at around 20cm cubed!) however I feel like this would be a pretty bad idea and here's why:
So DLP printers operate fundamentally different from FDM. Increasing build area isn't as simple as increasing the length of a few rods and cutting a larger PCB. the size of the screen must be made bigger, as does the resolution of the screen. Currently, the Photon uses a 1440p screen to give us the high res results we currently enjoy, but if you then stretched those pixels out to 20cm cubed, it would be incredibly low resolution and terrible print quality.
Now let's say we increase the resolution of the screen to match this large increase. goodness knows how high the resolution would have to be to maintain the consistent level of quality seen with current prints, which would cost goodness knows how much and would likely require their own screen manufacturing efforts (driving the price of our beloved 'cheap' DLP printer through the roof).
NOW what we could instead do, is focus on and improve upon what currently makes the Photon such a great printer. the level of quality of the prints that this machine pops out are outstanding for the price but can, of course, be improved. it's very possible that a higher resolution screen (with similar size) could be purchased 'off the shelf' by Anycubic, allowing them to introduce higher X/Y resolution with very little cost. If this were to be combined with an updated Z rail that prevents wobbling like the eagerly awaited mod on this forum, then I believe that Anycubic would be on winning track to win over the current fans as well as new hobbyists into our community.
Of course there are other features such as larger front screen size, better venting etc that are being discussed, however i just wanted to share my 2 cents on the subject.
thanks for reading!
DO focus on improving the quality of prints at an affordable price by using higher resolution screens 'off the shelf' as well as a better z rail. Z rail could be lengthened too to allow for taller prints.
DON'T focus on wider build volume. bigger screens will mean little to no jump up in X/Y resolution. Resin is expensive as it is, if you want BIG prints then use FDM or cut your parts up to save all the litres of expensive resin.
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