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Anycubic Photon Printer Owners 造訪社團 » 用戶發文

原文網址 Maggie Jenner-Bennett
2019-06-02 23:02:21

I just pulled these off the printer and I'm getting some defects that I don't understand. There were some flat bits of resin in there that were delicate enough they didn't survive the IPA wash too. This printer has also been leaving a shadow of resin behind on the FEP that I need to clean off after every print (that's been happening for a while). Any ideas? The print I did just before this batch showed no such lines and looks good.


Maggie Jenner-Bennett
2019-06-02 23:05:08

Maggie Jenner-Bennett
2019-06-02 23:06:00

Wesley Dowell
2019-06-02 23:13:39

Maggie Jenner-Bennett
2019-06-02 23:14:53

Maggie Jenner-Bennett
2019-06-02 23:17:08

Maggie Jenner-Bennett
2019-06-02 23:17:57

Andrey Sabrev
2019-06-02 23:29:08

Wesley Dowell
2019-06-02 23:30:55

Stefan Giudici
2019-06-03 02:02:15

Gary Houser
2019-06-05 03:13:44

Maggie Jenner-Bennett
2019-06-05 03:17:39

原文網址 Maggie Jenner-Bennett
2019-06-01 21:35:22

Recommendations for white or off-white resin? It appears that AnyCubic white and green are no longer available on Amazon and those are the only two resins I've used! I don't like fiddling around with things (I know, I know, that means 3D printing is not the ideal choice for me :-p ) and I know those two work for me, so I've been sticking with them. I need a white resin, though, since I'm printing little bones that I'd very much rather not have to paint. For my non-bone miniatures, maybe it's time to try AnyCubic grey? Some opacity would be very nice as I clean them up. Something available on Amazon Prime would be great, too.


Neil Ramsay
2019-06-01 22:14:07

Jonathan Takagi
2019-06-01 23:00:10

Jonathan Takagi
2019-06-01 23:00:54

Maggie Jenner-Bennett
2019-06-01 23:00:54

Andrew Chan
2019-06-01 23:07:12

Maggie Jenner-Bennett
2019-06-01 23:08:22

Maggie Jenner-Bennett
2019-06-01 23:09:15

原文網址 Maggie Jenner-Bennett
2019-01-19 23:00:04

I have two printers, one bought a few months back and one bought this month. I ran the same print/same file on both of them last night, starting within a couple minutes of each other. Both seem to have printed fine from a quick glance. But the new printer took 9h25m, while the old one took 10h35m. Weird.


Vinicius Silva
2019-01-19 23:01:56

Maggie Jenner-Bennett
2019-01-19 23:02:14

Piotr Trębacz
2019-01-19 23:02:37

Maggie Jenner-Bennett
2019-01-19 23:03:06

Carla Birch
2019-01-19 23:04:04

Piotr Trębacz
2019-01-19 23:04:44

Maggie Jenner-Bennett
2019-01-19 23:05:04

Maggie Jenner-Bennett
2019-01-19 23:05:24

Piotr Trębacz
2019-01-19 23:05:40

João Silva Marques
2019-01-19 23:05:47

Carla Birch
2019-01-19 23:08:01

Carla Birch
2019-01-19 23:09:25

Carla Birch
2019-01-19 23:12:30

Vinicius Silva
2019-01-19 23:35:10

Alex Shpisman
2019-01-19 23:51:44

Bob Heron
2019-01-19 23:52:25

Maggie Jenner-Bennett
2019-01-19 23:54:06

Che Fielding
2019-01-20 01:01:37

Nick Williams
2019-01-20 03:34:35

Vinicius Silva
2019-01-20 03:43:31

原文網址 Maggie Jenner-Bennett
2018-12-08 22:38:53

Not as fancy as a proper enclosure, but surprisingly effective! We got a piece of duct (about $10), 3D printed a thing to make it fit onto an old computer fan, and attached that into the window. With the end of the duct set next to the fan area of the printer it does a remarkably good job of removing fumes. I checked the flow using smoke from a candle and vapor from anywhere in that area is promptly sucked out the window.


原文網址 Maggie Jenner-Bennett
2018-09-13 04:09:01

Love the results from this printer... I didn't bother cleaning all the supports off because I scaled this a bit too big at 3" tall, but it's hard to believe this came off a printer I paid $430 for! AnyCubic Green, with a bit of primer over it.


原文網址 Maggie Jenner-Bennett
2018-08-09 20:14:09

I had a print fail due to large flat surfaces, so I realigned the objects and reprinted. I guess I was tired and didn't think to check how much resin was in the vat...everything printed fine! Love this little printer.




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