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Anycubic Photon Printer Owners 造訪社團 » 用戶發文

原文網址 Jean-francois Lacassaigne
2019-09-24 23:31:30

just received my first bottle of "Fep Shop Transparent green resin"
Would someone have some recommended settings for this resin ?


Jean-francois Lacassaigne
2019-09-27 20:17:42

原文網址 Jean-francois Lacassaigne
2019-09-09 03:51:33

i'm going to install twin rail update this week on a photon.
would someone have à good photon file who can be used to make a before an after comparaison ?


Davoud Taghawi-Nejad
2019-09-09 04:12:06

Jean-francois Lacassaigne
2019-09-09 04:12:38

Jean-francois Lacassaigne
2019-09-09 23:36:29

原文網址 Jean-francois Lacassaigne
2019-07-30 00:22:58

Hi all.
did someone in the group get any accurate print with anycubic green?
all my print end oversized.


Yeun-Ee Chen
2019-07-30 00:23:36

Derek Reihe
2019-07-30 00:27:41

Jean-francois Lacassaigne
2019-07-30 00:34:53

Bob Deblier
2019-07-30 03:28:06

Winup McModels
2019-07-30 04:16:58

Jean-francois Lacassaigne
2019-07-30 04:22:32

Sean Croteau
2019-07-30 04:24:36

Scott Clark
2019-07-30 06:26:15

Jean-francois Lacassaigne
2019-07-31 04:41:24

原文網址 Jean-francois Lacassaigne
2019-07-02 03:30:33

Hi all,

sometimes ago, someone posted something related to using a chromatic tuner to setup the FEP.
any help would be appreciated as i can't find the post back



Jeff Wand
2019-07-02 03:42:21

Fedor Pikus
2019-07-02 03:43:11

Rob Elwell
2019-07-02 03:46:54

Jean-francois Lacassaigne
2019-07-02 03:55:55

原文網址 Jean-francois Lacassaigne
2019-02-21 21:48:04

can not find my previous post, but would like to thanks all people who helped me



原文網址 Jean-francois Lacassaigne
2019-02-12 04:38:05

Hi all,
would need your help once again
Resin : AnyCubic Black
Layer : 0.05
Bottom Layer : 8
bottom layer exposure : 50
normal exposure : 22
Room Temperature : +/- 20° C

Parts print fine but oversize
i think i'm on the overexposure side

so decided to print the calibration test

file : resin-test-100u.B100.2-20
room Temperature 20°C
result : NOK
only a fine layer on the build plate
a few swimming alien in my vat
and almost nothing on the FEP film

no other solution than calling for HELP

thanks in advance


Sen Kun
2019-02-12 04:41:17

Jean-francois Lacassaigne
2019-02-12 04:43:39

Sen Kun
2019-02-12 04:44:47

Jean-francois Lacassaigne
2019-02-12 04:47:01

Sen Kun
2019-02-12 04:48:52

Jean-francois Lacassaigne
2019-02-12 04:52:04

Sen Kun
2019-02-12 04:55:01

原文網址 Jean-francois Lacassaigne
2018-10-07 03:14:04

Hi all,
having some trouble with my print warping .
0.05 / 10 / 1 / 50 / 12.
Anycubic green.
whash with IPA and cure under uv light 4 Min.
is it possible that my curing time is too low ?



原文網址 Jean-francois Lacassaigne
2018-09-14 22:32:59

Is it only with my pc or is the slicer a real memory hog. Trying to slice different files and each time it take a real long time and my pc is not usable during this time.


原文網址 Jean-francois Lacassaigne
2018-09-12 16:19:20

Hi all,
need to print a hollow structure.
what's de minimum size of the drain hole i need to have to avoid print failure due to suction ?


原文網址 Jean-francois Lacassaigne
2018-08-22 21:19:54

Hi everybody.

still no lu!ck to print with anycubic black resine.
i'm using following settings from the spreadsheet
Anycubic Black 0,025 7,5 3,5 90 3
all i get is the first layer on build plate, but as soon as the support start to be printed it fail.
no problem with green resin
leveling dubble checked

should be missing something but don't know what




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