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Anycubic Photon Printer Owners 造訪社團 » 用戶發文

原文網址 Chris Crute
2020-03-17 03:07:12

In case this helps someone else and further to my previous post.

I was left with this on the fep after every successful print but my LCD didn't seem bad, no spots, nice v and even.

After much head scratching I reasoned that my LCD (which was over a year old) could have degraded so it wasn't going entirely black after and exposure this causing a shadow.

That was exactly the case should you have something similar! New LCD no issue anymore!


Chris Crute
2020-03-17 03:08:19

As a bonus the quality improved afterwards, I hadn't realised it had got worse as it happened over time...

Chris Crute
2020-03-17 03:08:51

Supports came away cleaner too!

Mark Wardle
2020-03-17 03:13:52

yea thats good life from a screen over a year. mine is a couple years old now. the only time i ever had something like that was from light getting into the unit. since i covered the panels i have not had the problem.

Michael A Miller
2020-03-17 03:15:17

photon - S? do you have a link to where you bought the LCD?

Chris Crute
2020-03-17 03:17:08

Orignal Photon I'm afraid, not sure it the screens are the same.

Here's the link anyway:


Chris Crute
2020-03-17 03:17:40

Having seen the difference in quality I'll be changing it periodically whether it's failed or not!

Chris Crute
2020-03-17 03:18:08

Old screen

Chris Crute
2020-03-17 03:18:16

New screen

Geren W Mortensen Jr
2020-03-17 03:25:23

How many hours did you have on your screen (approximately)?

Chris Crute
2020-03-17 03:28:46

I wouldn't like to hazard a guess... I can tell you it's had 14 litres of resin printed on it though!

Chris Crute
2020-03-17 03:29:03

Basically a litre a month!

Tom Gannon
2020-03-17 03:33:38

Chris Crute The link you posted is to an Elegoo Mars replacement screen. Do the mars in the photon use the same screen? I mean I know all of their stats are the same, but do they have the same connector at the end of the ribbon cable?

Chris Crute
2020-03-17 03:35:32

Tom Gannon It's made by Elegoo but the title states fits photon. The connectors are different but the screen comes with an adaptor. It fits and works perfectly.

Tom Gannon
2020-03-17 03:39:58

Chris Crute really good to know. On the US Amazon site there is a big price difference between the two.

Dean Eyre
2020-03-17 03:58:48

I got one of these as hell of a job coping with the fact that the ribbon cable hasn't got the curve in the end.

Chris Crute
2020-03-17 04:00:51

Dean Eyre I just put a loop out the side where it comes down from the LCD then it lined up resonably well!

Miroslav Zajíček
2020-03-17 04:17:06

facing same issue now, changing resins, stirring them a lot, seems i am wrong and exchange lcd is only way.
have my photon since november

Chris Crute
2020-03-17 04:20:03

Miroslav Zajíček are you getting decent prints as well or just that?

Miroslav Zajíček
2020-03-17 04:21:12

prints are still okay, but need to clean fep after each print ( so far 3 rounds with this issue)

Chris Crute
2020-03-17 04:22:33

Sounds identical to my issue. Mine was fine until about 3 rounds before I gave up and changed the LCD.

Scott Pavlich
2020-03-17 06:59:07

That’s actually the first sign I know I’ve got a screen replacement to do. Running my photons 24/7 I usually start to get that at around the 4-6 month range....so you got way more than I have, but then again my machines really aren’t ever even turned off

Randall Nall
2020-03-18 06:39:14

This is happening to me after only 4 months of ownership... Wondering if I should just go for it

Michael A Miller
2020-03-18 12:54:31

anyone know which LCD to order for the photon-S?

原文網址 Chris Crute
2020-03-13 16:14:26

I have a problem I've not seen mentioned before with my original Photon. Hopefully someone can assist.

After printing well for over a year, without even an LCD change, a couple of months ago I started getting loose thin 'leaves' of semi cured resin on the print. These weren't attached to the print and appeared to have just landed on it at some point. They came off when cleaning. Prints themselves were fine.

This last week or two I have to empty the vat and clean cured resin from the fep after every print. The prints come out OK, but the next print will fail unless I clean this off.

LED test doesn't reveal any issues nor does running a print without the vat in place. The UV Leds flicker occasionally but doesn't seem critical.

2 different bottles of resin ordered at different times both do the same.

Any ideas?


Bob Deblier
2020-03-13 16:17:39

Chris Crute
2020-03-13 16:35:04

Bob Deblier
2020-03-13 16:36:10

Chris Crute
2020-03-13 16:37:01

Ryan Moore
2020-03-13 22:44:48

Chris Crute
2020-03-13 22:46:39

Ryan Moore
2020-03-13 22:50:04

Chris Crute
2020-03-13 22:57:36

Keith Yinger
2020-03-13 23:11:05

Keith Yinger
2020-03-13 23:12:18

Chris Crute
2020-03-13 23:14:27

Keith Yinger
2020-03-13 23:18:09

Scott Pavlich
2020-03-14 07:12:34

Keith Yinger
2020-03-14 09:30:41

原文網址 Chris Crute
2019-01-30 06:19:10

Anyone have suggestions as to what is causing Angry Groot to have that band around his head? I ran an extra tall Z wobble test afterwards and as you can see from the results there is no Z wobble.

The band would have been horizontal when printing.

0.02 layer, Chitubox slicer with Photonsters spreadsheet settings, anycubic grey resin. I printed 3 at once of that's relevant, all have the same flaw.


Mario Reinh
2019-01-30 06:32:52

Mario Reinh
2019-01-30 06:35:08

Mario Reinh
2019-01-30 06:35:42

Chris Crute
2019-01-30 06:36:41

Mario Reinh
2019-01-30 06:43:31

Christopher Botha
2019-01-30 07:55:49

Chris Crute
2019-01-30 14:05:06

Chris Crute
2019-01-30 14:05:58

Christopher Botha
2019-01-30 14:42:05

Chris Crute
2019-01-30 14:43:08

Stephen Burrows
2019-01-30 14:45:04

Sen Kun
2019-01-30 15:23:26

Sen Kun
2019-01-30 15:29:22

Chris Crute
2019-01-30 15:40:49

Sen Kun
2019-01-30 15:42:01

Chris Crute
2019-01-30 15:43:12

Sen Kun
2019-01-30 15:45:39

Sen Kun
2019-01-30 15:46:06

Chris Crute
2019-01-30 15:48:36

Chris Crute
2019-01-30 15:51:08



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