I have been printing with my AnyCubic Photon for about a week now, and it’s been printing very nicely. However the past few days I have been running into an issue. When I plug my stick into the usb port in it just flashes and does not read the files to print. The touch screen responsiveness has also slowed down while the the memory stick is in the reader. When the memory stick is plugged into the desktop it works fine. Has my memory stick gone bad, or is this just a sign of something more ominous? Set up is bone stock and I am still using the initial bottle of resin that came with the printer.
Mark Wardle
2019-02-17 04:05:54
Richard Shapiro
2019-02-17 04:06:08
Mark Wardle
2019-02-17 04:07:22
Darryl Kerbow
2019-02-17 06:16:55
Ad Versteeg
2019-02-19 00:05:06