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Anycubic Photon Printer Owners 造訪社團 » 用戶發文

原文網址 Harry Colquhoun
2020-01-31 00:03:56

For those of you who have attached a carbon filter to your photon (like the one here: https://www.amazon.ca/iPower-GLFILT4M-Control-Australia-Charcoal/dp/B00E582DV2/ref=pd_sbs_86_1/132-0513939-9408664?_encoding=UTF8&pd_rd_i=B00E582DV2&pd_rd_r=08c82bc6-b130-493c-af3b-e9fda80bb7bb&pd_rd_w=3jFHM&pd_rd_wg=gA6ht&pf_rd_p=dbebb38c-0e3d-4a67-ac15-432d7c7a2789&pf_rd_r=5K748H29N26QXQPEHBSK&psc=1&refRID=5K748H29N26QXQPEHBSK ) is a blower fan a necessary part of this or can I just hook this straight up to the photon with some 4" duct? 翻譯年糕

Devin Wallace Simonsen
2020-01-31 00:10:06

Justin Talcott
2020-01-31 00:14:05

Paul West
2020-01-31 00:18:44

Devin Wallace Simonsen
2020-01-31 00:19:37

Gergely Jávor
2020-01-31 00:19:53

Harry Colquhoun
2020-01-31 00:22:20

Gergely Jávor
2020-01-31 00:24:58

Chad Elstad
2020-01-31 01:19:46

Brendan Wood
2020-01-31 01:57:51

Michael Martin
2020-01-31 04:36:39

Franz Meriles
2020-01-31 11:30:47

原文網址 Harry Colquhoun
2019-12-27 02:52:49

This is a new one for me -- the print seems great until the last layer(s) and then I get a big rectangle blob. It's happening repeatedly and for different models. I even tried changing up the USB drive.

Any clue as to what is going on?


Stefan Giudici
2019-12-27 02:57:31

Derek Reihe
2019-12-27 02:59:53

Ben Gibbs
2019-12-27 03:00:05

Richard Humble
2019-12-27 03:22:23

Harry Colquhoun
2019-12-27 03:42:57

Jarin Udom
2019-12-27 05:45:56

Michal Knapek
2019-12-27 06:05:46

Bob Deblier
2019-12-27 16:38:26

原文網址 Harry Colquhoun
2019-04-13 10:55:46

I'm getting a weird problem -- in chitubox my supports are clearly visible underneath my prints but in the finished print the pieces all touch right up again the bottom raft.

Any idea what could cause this? I'm using 5 bottom layers at 0.02 layer height.


Blake Moody
2019-04-13 11:00:39

Dustin Scott
2019-04-13 11:01:27

Muhammad Zulkhairol Yacob
2019-04-13 11:31:01

Mark Wardle
2019-04-13 11:45:20

Ty Mansfield
2019-04-13 11:48:21

Tycho Pandelaar
2019-04-13 17:22:38

Erin R Flint
2019-04-14 02:23:36

Nick Williams
2019-04-14 10:02:30

Johnson Yeh
2019-04-17 20:41:17

原文網址 Harry Colquhoun
2019-04-09 10:48:14

I'm having a software issue with the Photon Slicer that I hope someone knows how to fix. Keep in mind I've been printing without issue until today when I went through my normal workflow and encountered this bug.

I import my model, and then raise it up 5mm from the build surface. Then I go to support tab. If I go back to the other tab the object is now back flat on the build plate. This happens whether I add supports or not. I cannot get it raised up off the build plate. The supports will add in just fine and it will look perfect, but if I go back out of support mode the object is flat on the surface again.


Blake Moody
2019-04-09 11:18:10

Regan Fairbanks
2019-04-09 11:22:45

Harry Colquhoun
2019-04-09 12:40:38

原文網址 Harry Colquhoun
2019-03-30 23:42:03

Such a simple modification in most cases to hollow out the mini first, and the result is 2/3 reduction in resin costs. $.53 to print the solid mini, $.15 to print the hollow one (and that's counting the extra supports needed on the hollow one).


Pedro Ribeiro Fialho
2019-03-30 23:46:02

Danny Lloyd
2019-03-31 00:01:13

Jarrod Smith
2019-03-31 00:09:55

Allan Palmer
2019-03-31 00:24:24

John Cobb
2019-03-31 00:29:56

Stefan Giudici
2019-03-31 00:30:49

Nathan Rich
2019-03-31 00:31:54

Calvin Tan
2019-03-31 00:50:28

Nathan Rich
2019-03-31 00:53:21

Nathan Rich
2019-03-31 00:53:44

Clay Pool
2019-03-31 00:54:39

Harry Colquhoun
2019-03-31 01:06:24

Adam Brockmeier
2019-03-31 01:23:15

Clay Pool
2019-03-31 01:27:33

David Oppl
2019-03-31 02:02:29

Harry Colquhoun
2019-03-31 02:10:42

Khalid AbuJubara
2019-03-31 04:41:10

Harry Colquhoun
2019-03-31 05:08:48

Susan Sioux Mercer
2019-03-31 07:00:16

Mikael Rasmussen
2019-03-31 09:56:14

Tom Franco
2019-04-02 00:06:36

Gon Garcia
2019-04-04 17:51:42

Matt Kuhn
2019-04-05 08:52:30

Andrew Fudge
2019-04-06 08:52:04

Matt Kuhn
2019-04-06 09:33:47

Andrew J. Tucker
2019-04-06 22:04:55

Mason Chapman
2019-05-07 00:57:25

原文網址 Harry Colquhoun
2019-03-24 23:54:42

I'm curious if anyone else has the same experience as me with the resin smell from this printer.

My printer is in my basement, and since I have forced-air heating the smell was distributed all over my house. The first day I was running the printer both my wife and I were feeling very queasy and the resin smell was very obvious. I thought I was in trouble because we were both obviously having a strong reaction to it...however, the next day the smell seemed less noticeable, and the next day after that even less, and now after two weeks printing constantly neither of us notice the smell at all.

I'm not sure if we have just gotten used to the smell somehow or if it was just some initial smell off the machine. I'm a bit worried that we're both saturated in the odour at this point and just can't smell it. Anyone else experience a strong reaction at first and then notice it go away?


Chadwick Foster Maerz
2019-03-25 00:01:18

Aiden Sone
2019-03-25 00:07:00

Aiden Sone
2019-03-25 00:07:45

Jordan Baldrige
2019-03-25 00:08:01

Bard Vanhammer
2019-03-25 00:23:40

Aiden Sone
2019-03-25 00:27:49

Sen Kun
2019-03-25 02:37:42

Todd Hanson
2019-03-25 05:27:18

Zena Andreou
2019-03-25 06:24:58

Alan Crooks
2019-03-25 12:53:33

Trevor McIntosh
2019-03-25 23:46:08

Jordan Baldrige
2019-03-26 18:24:22

Trevor McIntosh
2019-03-26 18:38:17

原文網址 Harry Colquhoun
2019-03-22 01:15:09

This print just finished and I got some weird artifacts in two spots. Does anyone know what could cause those two flat planes to be printed in the middle of my model?


Sen Kun
2019-03-22 01:38:20

原文網址 Harry Colquhoun
2019-03-21 04:23:06

Does anyone know of a replacement resin tank for the Photon that is clear? With a .02mm layer height I have to wait about 8 hours before I can start to see if my print is successful or not. It would be so nice to be able to see right from the start. I've seen clear vats on some resin printers so I'm hoping there's one out there for the Photon.


Richard Thomas
2019-03-21 04:26:17

Jaco Norchie Nortje
2019-03-21 04:29:35

Harry Colquhoun
2019-03-21 04:30:51

Richard Thomas
2019-03-21 04:34:10

Che Fielding
2019-03-21 04:44:33

Richard Thomas
2019-03-21 05:34:56

2019-03-21 06:28:35

2019-03-21 06:30:54

John Bubuz
2019-03-21 17:36:38

原文網址 Harry Colquhoun
2019-03-17 02:59:45

I recently completed a batch of lizardmen miniatures using 0.05 layer height and on all of them I lost the head details that are pictured below. Is this due to the layer height? All the other details seemed to be printed flawlessly.

Also holy crap this is an awesome printer!


Ty Mansfield
2019-03-17 03:02:12

2019-03-17 03:34:56

Fred Breton
2019-03-17 03:36:41

Harry Colquhoun
2019-03-17 03:37:25

Harry Colquhoun
2019-03-17 03:38:55

Fred Breton
2019-03-17 03:40:04

Susan Sioux Mercer
2019-03-17 04:00:49

Matthew Wetton
2019-03-17 04:53:54

Harry Colquhoun
2019-03-17 23:56:20

Ty Mansfield
2019-03-18 00:53:37

原文網址 Harry Colquhoun
2019-03-15 07:00:19

I just received the first batch of STLs from the Dragonlock Kickstarter, and considering this is my 3rd print with the Photon I have to say these came out pretty great. One thing that I can't seem to find much information on -- how long should I keep these under a UV light for curing?


Dylan Hancox
2019-03-15 07:05:54

Cemal Kucuk
2019-03-15 07:07:06

Harry Colquhoun
2019-03-15 07:08:58

Cemal Kucuk
2019-03-15 07:09:29

Harry Colquhoun
2019-03-15 07:10:12

Philip M Ferreira
2019-03-15 07:10:30

Muhammad Zulkhairol Yacob
2019-03-15 07:10:49

Harry Colquhoun
2019-03-15 07:11:16

Leevi Jordan
2019-03-15 07:11:45

Muhammad Zulkhairol Yacob
2019-03-15 07:12:41

Muhammad Zulkhairol Yacob
2019-03-15 07:12:57

Harry Colquhoun
2019-03-15 07:13:55

Sean O'Hayer
2019-03-15 07:15:01

Gustavo Murad
2019-03-15 07:15:17

Muhammad Zulkhairol Yacob
2019-03-15 07:16:05

Leevi Jordan
2019-03-15 07:16:58

Leevi Jordan
2019-03-15 07:17:18

Cemal Kucuk
2019-03-15 07:17:46

Harry Colquhoun
2019-03-15 07:18:00

Harry Colquhoun
2019-03-15 07:19:02

Harry Colquhoun
2019-03-15 07:19:48

Cemal Kucuk
2019-03-15 07:21:56

Harry Colquhoun
2019-03-15 07:23:19

Cemal Kucuk
2019-03-15 07:28:13

Leevi Jordan
2019-03-15 07:29:57

Chris D'Andrea
2019-03-15 07:33:05

Cemal Kucuk
2019-03-15 07:38:07

Erdian Madskin
2019-03-15 08:21:06

Andrew McKay
2019-03-15 09:16:22

Andrew McKay
2019-03-15 09:18:48

Susan Sioux Mercer
2019-03-15 11:58:42

Robb Nunya
2019-03-16 02:02:55

James Hendrix
2019-03-16 05:50:02

Mike Michaels
2019-03-18 02:29:49

Harry Colquhoun
2019-03-18 02:32:14

Luke Mason
2019-03-19 13:55:23



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