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Anycubic Photon Printer Owners 造訪社團 » 用戶發文

原文網址 Monica Ann Pedone
2020-03-19 05:41:35

Just cleaned up my photon.

I need to paint all the things I have printed.


Sean Guna
2020-03-19 05:44:27

Wait. That’s what all those paints and brushes I have is for. Haha.

Monica Ann Pedone
2020-03-19 05:44:47

I’ll post the finished objects

Gary Slovinsky
2020-03-19 06:24:06

That’s the curse of making/printing things. ... the finshing of them when done.

Harald Wunderlich
2020-03-19 07:04:34


paint all printed minis ......

Thank you ! in times like this you need a little humor now and then .....

at the latest when half of the printed primer is primed, the printer runs again ...

Monica Ann Pedone
2020-03-19 08:33:04

原文網址 Monica Ann Pedone
2020-01-10 06:51:12

Here are some of my latest prints. The wonderful artist is Tiana Kovacevic Tijana_kovacevic@hotmail.com.

She is doing busts of the Mighty Nein. Please reach out to her for .stl’s. They are exquisite!!!


Keith Michael Harrington
2020-01-10 07:32:11

Monica Ann Pedone
2020-01-10 07:33:05

原文網址 Monica Ann Pedone
2019-02-28 07:16:05

Uggh. Switched over to the grey Anycubic from the Green Translucent. Reset the Setting on the Anycubic Photon Slicer. Things were great

Then I tried to make some prints using Chitubox. Nothing stuck (except to the FEP). Then I realized I have to reset the setting in Chitubox. All ready to go

Forgot to tighten the screws on the vat. At least it was sticking to the plate.
Hoping this try works!!!


Kelly Wilkins
2019-02-28 23:29:37

Monica Ann Pedone
2019-02-28 23:42:12

原文網址 Monica Ann Pedone
2018-12-31 23:56:57

Brewed up my character in HeroForge and printed this. Aasimar Cleric.

Very pleased. Love my Photon


原文網址 Monica Ann Pedone
2018-12-31 03:24:27

Can I mix different color resins from the same manufacturer?

I have the starter green transparent resin which is almost done and want to add the grey Anycubic resin to the vat where there is an amount of the green translucent resin.

Is it better to drain, clean and start anew? Drain and mix?



Sen Kun
2018-12-31 03:30:30

Mike Johnson
2018-12-31 03:41:44

Monica Ann Pedone
2018-12-31 04:03:04

原文網址 Monica Ann Pedone
2018-12-31 01:36:48

Got my machine up and running.

Printed the Cube first. Turned out great!!

Then went Hero Forge, my granddaughter custom designed a mini, downloaded the .stl, sliced it and printed it.

OMG. The results are amazing. My photography skills don’t do it justice!




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