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Anycubic Photon Printer Owners 造訪社團 » 用戶發文

原文網址 Noe Schořálek
2020-01-15 18:23:09


does anyone have update if there will be some 4K 10 inch screen on market soon?

I need more printers for work purposes, but I also need resolution around 47um. Larger printer area with same resolution would help. I dont need the 31um resolution of Phrozen 4K, thats overkill for me.



Nipuna Gunarathne
2020-01-15 19:40:42

原文網址 Noe Schořálek
2019-03-06 18:01:24


Iam trying to achieve the best detail possible, and I have bought 0.05 FEP film which could help.

Does anyone have any experiences or tips for 0.05 FEP before I get started?


Sen Kun
2019-03-06 18:19:06

Noe Schořálek
2019-03-06 18:31:04

Noe Schořálek
2019-03-06 18:31:35

Richard Thomas
2019-03-08 17:57:14

原文網址 Noe Schořálek
2019-02-15 02:03:27


Iam doing some detail tests with anycubic green, and while the details are getting better, my whole print suffers from some kind of layer shift.

I did my best to relevel the bed but this layers shifting still occurs. What other factors aside uneven bed could cause it?

The print is 5 mm high, the sides should be flat.




Aaron Chambers
2019-02-15 02:06:22

Milton Maxson
2019-02-15 02:07:10

Noe Schořálek
2019-02-15 02:08:29

Noe Schořálek
2019-02-15 02:09:14

Sen Kun
2019-02-15 02:22:10

Noe Schořálek
2019-02-15 02:37:21

Noe Schořálek
2019-02-15 02:38:15

Sen Kun
2019-02-15 02:42:21

Noe Schořálek
2019-02-15 02:53:09

Sen Kun
2019-02-15 03:01:24

Noe Schořálek
2019-02-15 03:05:48

Sen Kun
2019-02-15 03:06:32

原文網址 Noe Schořálek
2019-02-08 17:23:17


I have ordered Anycubic Photon printer and Iam now searching for right resin of my application.

I need to print high quality prints for work purposes that are very demanding on negative detail precision. Basically, the prints will have texts and very thin features that are negative into the prints.

On first image, you can see print from professional 3d priner . The average width of text line(hollow) is around 0,4 mm, and I would need some resin that doesnt "bleed" light too much. I would like to achieve maximum bleed of around 0,05 mm on XY, so that it would make the negative 0,4 mm line 0,3 mm at most. Ideally even smaller bleed.

Second image is just from cad, for comparison. Again, the first picture does not look like it, but the letters are negative into the print.

Printing the letters as positive is not an option because of other processes that follows the print.

I saw Richard Shapiro mention Siraya BLU resin, which also have good reviews on US Amazon. I have also talked to Sen Kun , who recommended me Phrozen, abs-like grey resin.

Does anyone here have some more tips on more resins/setting and some processes I could use to get the desired result?

Edit: I would like to print on small Z stops, preferably 0,01 - 0,02. The first printed picture is 0,016.

Thank you very much,



Daniel Roh
2019-02-08 17:25:51

Brian Petersen
2019-02-08 17:39:49



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