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Anycubic Photon Printer Owners 造訪社團 » 用戶發文

原文網址 Ethan Gibson
2019-05-15 03:19:44

Hello! I’ve been attempting to print a set of polyhedral dice and I’m consistently having the bed sides of the dice turning out sort of melted looking.

I’m using Elegoo Clear using the settings from the Resin Setting Google doc (17 normal, 1 off, 60 bottom, 8 bottom layers). I’ve tried a couple different orientation/support combinations.

1) no support/raft + flat face of each die on bed. This resulted in the bottom face being blank, some wobbly bottom layers, then the rest of the print looking really good.

2) auto generated supports/raft + dice point down. The point touching the point touching the supports and the connected faces came out looking melted, the rest of the print was perfect.

My suspicion is that maybe the first chunk of each die is transparent enough for the uv to cure some of the surrounding resin on the bottoms. As the print progresses, less uv makes it through the cures resin and the quality greatly increases.

Does anyone have any ideas? Should I just not use transparent resin for this? I’ve had really great success with a number of other prints, but this one seems to be eluding me.

Thanks in advance!


Darron Rodrigues
2019-05-15 03:31:07

Mike Roof
2019-05-15 03:48:17

Bob Deblier
2019-05-15 03:57:55

Ethan Gibson
2019-05-15 04:01:30

Bob Deblier
2019-05-15 04:06:19

Ethan Gibson
2019-05-15 04:06:54

Bob Deblier
2019-05-15 04:07:20

Ethan Gibson
2019-05-15 04:08:12

Mike Roof
2019-05-15 04:12:47

Ethan Gibson
2019-05-15 04:15:55

Mike Roof
2019-05-15 04:22:59

Chris Visser
2019-05-15 04:56:14

Nick Williams
2019-05-15 05:34:08

Greg Kourakos
2019-05-15 05:42:49

Ethan Gibson
2019-05-15 06:48:15

Ethan Gibson
2019-05-15 06:50:31

James Bricknell
2019-05-15 07:37:45

Dave Corbett
2019-05-15 07:41:05

Dave Corbett
2019-05-15 07:43:24

Chris Visser
2019-05-15 11:36:58

Bob Deblier
2019-05-15 17:07:03

Bob Deblier
2019-05-15 17:08:38

Bob Deblier
2019-05-15 17:23:34

Dave Corbett
2019-05-15 19:43:54

Bob Deblier
2019-05-15 19:53:49

Chad Elstad
2019-05-15 20:40:34

Stephen Cook
2019-05-16 01:06:26

Gary Houser
2019-05-17 04:26:20

Francesco Ostili
2019-05-17 19:32:44

Philipp Maitrot
2019-05-17 20:23:42

Ethan Gibson
2019-05-17 23:32:51

Lestat De Lioncourt
2019-07-03 07:16:13

Lestat De Lioncourt
2019-07-03 07:16:59

Dave Corbett
2019-07-03 07:35:52

Lestat De Lioncourt
2019-07-03 07:43:11

Lestat De Lioncourt
2019-07-03 07:43:48

Mason Chapman
2019-12-23 08:13:24



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