Hi! Thanks for accept me in this group! I'm brazilian e I'll do my best in english communication (i'll try not use google tradutor, it's a good chance to practice hahaha).
I'm a goldsmith and i'm starting in 3D print for create good models and improve productivity, and currently I own an Anycubic Photon, and i'm really impressed about its great quality.
I have a doubt about painting the model.
I'm currently using green uv resin, and I want to know in general what's the best material and method to paint it. If someone can help me, i will be very grateful!!
I wish a nice sunday for all!!
Derek Reihe
2019-06-09 17:57:39
David Nicholls
2019-06-09 18:01:40
Magnus Azurra
2019-06-09 18:02:13
Magnus Azurra
2019-06-09 18:07:06
David Nicholls
2019-06-09 20:53:33
Thomas Newcomer
2019-06-10 02:30:55
Fadi Ashush
2019-06-10 15:08:17