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Anycubic Photon Printer Owners 造訪社團 » 用戶發文

原文網址 Ed Obarowski
2019-09-19 22:59:46

Ok collective printing mind, can anyone figure out the cause for this failure? it's odd the way it disconnected and tapered off. Trying the new Anycubic Blue Eco Resin. Think I need to up the exposure?


Nick Williams
2019-09-19 23:08:12

Ed Obarowski
2019-09-19 23:12:57

Scott Pavlich
2019-09-19 23:14:10

Nick Williams
2019-09-19 23:14:28

Ed Obarowski
2019-09-19 23:15:59

Ed Obarowski
2019-09-19 23:17:28

Ed Obarowski
2019-09-19 23:18:10

Nick Williams
2019-09-19 23:18:21

Nick Williams
2019-09-19 23:19:28

Ed Obarowski
2019-09-19 23:19:44

Nick Williams
2019-09-19 23:20:19

Ed Obarowski
2019-09-19 23:21:08

Melecio Guzman
2019-09-19 23:48:33

Nick Williams
2019-09-19 23:51:13

Scott Pavlich
2019-09-20 00:01:12

Ed Obarowski
2019-09-20 00:57:19

Ed Obarowski
2019-09-20 01:20:03

Ed Obarowski
2019-09-20 01:21:30

Nick Williams
2019-09-20 01:29:54

原文網址 Ed Obarowski
2019-08-02 01:01:51

Having some problems today with clear resin prints on my Photon S. I used the same setting last week and had no problems. Same bottle of resin (anycubic clear). I am showing you a test print I set up today with the setting to show you what is happening.

The prints stop soon after the base layers and it's not just detaching from the supports, it's breaking off from a full piece at the same location. These are hollow domes (bussard collecters for some warp engines I designed for you trek fans). Any thoughts?

Edit: yes, I did shake the resin thoroughly before hand.


Ed Obarowski
2019-08-02 01:56:31

Alwin Chan
2019-08-02 09:51:13

Ed Obarowski
2019-08-02 11:09:47

原文網址 Ed Obarowski
2019-07-19 20:19:58

Hey all, first time using clear resin here, and I think I over cured the parts on the right. Is there a right way to cure anycubic clear to keep it from turning orange? Uncured parts on the left of the picture.
Edit: this is post print curing. Not during print time.


Richard Humble
2019-07-19 20:24:08

Ed Obarowski
2019-07-19 20:37:25

Richard Humble
2019-07-19 20:52:04

Ed Obarowski
2019-07-19 21:24:30

Lane Taylor
2019-07-19 21:55:45

Richard Humble
2019-07-19 21:56:08

Mike Fatchett
2019-07-19 22:24:38

Ed Obarowski
2019-07-20 01:58:34

原文網址 Ed Obarowski
2019-07-13 23:37:56

Noob resin printer needs help! Anyone know what could be causing this to happen? Is it not enough supports? I only have the printer 2 wks now and wasn't having this shift 3 days ago. O have the Photon S.
Thanks in advance!


Paul Fagan
2019-07-13 23:49:51

Mark Wardle
2019-07-14 00:08:27

Mark Wardle
2019-07-14 00:09:04

Mark Wardle
2019-07-14 00:10:31

Ed Obarowski
2019-07-14 02:59:35

Ricky Wallace Jr.
2019-07-14 07:07:59

Ed Obarowski
2019-07-14 08:33:44

Dave Corbett
2019-07-14 08:40:02



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